Why Do We Need A Vaccine Court?
Because Vaccines Are Not Safe
Back in 1976 the Swine Flu Act was floundering amid injury claims and the flu epidemic didn’t show up. Manufactures of vaccines wanted protection against lawsuits. Congress decided to take on the liability from vaccine injury on itself by creating a vaccine injury/death trust fund through a no-fault compensation program that was different than any other program that would handle injury /death claims. “S.R. 2117, 98th Congress (1983)”
Senator Hawkins of Florida introduced the framework and outline language created by the American Academy of Pediatrics along with its parent organization the DPT (Directory of Post professional DPT (Transition) Programs). The 98th congress, November 17, 1983, Senate bill 2117. “ H.R. 5810, 98th Congress (1984)”
The act would create an Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) that would advise the HHS secretary regarding vaccine injuries standards, safety, and changes in supplies. The legislation would not deal with off table injuries, which means petitioners must prove by preponderance of evidence. The legislation had one hearing on May 3, 1984 and nothing moved forward regarding compensation for vaccine injuries.
Congressman Waxman from California introduced H. R. 5810 in June of 1984. This would give the US District Court in Washington, DC sole discretion. This act would also give ACCV the same power outlined in Senator Hawkin’s S. 2117 bill from 1983. The act would provide a compensation trust fund through the US treasury. Also mandated the HHS secretary (The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), to create a pediatric vaccine risk study, which would provide parents with details regarding side effects and risks through their pediatric healthcare specialists.
The deadline of two years was given to the congressional committee to write up a report and provide reports every two hears thereafter. September of 1984 Congressman Waxman’s legislation was brought to a hearing before congress, this included the HHS Secretary, the Pharmaceutical Industry, the American Association, groups representing concerned parents, such as the Dissatisfied Parents Together led by Jeffrey Schwartz.
Dr. Brandit representing the HHS was questioned by Representative Waxman on how to prove children’s injuries were caused by vaccines. Would he choose a system that compensated only cases that could be proven. Dr. Brandit answered:It may very well be impossible to do that in individual cases, at least certainly over the near-term. And I think one has to really on secondary bits of evidence regarding cause. For example, one would look at epidemiological data and other kinds of data to establish that at least there is a reasonable probablity, and I would have to leave “reasonable” undefined for the moment, that a particular adverse event is associated with the vaccine. “The Plague of Causation in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act”—Betsy Grey.”
The spokesman for concerned parents Jeffrey Schwartz, said that there are three methods that could be used to separate cause from coincidence:
The temporal proximity between vaccination and reaction
Whether the injuries are consistent with the type of vaccine
Is there an alternative explanation that exist that could be more persuasive.
The legislation didn’t pass in Congress for lack of votes. However, this didn’t stop legislation, developments continued on and by March 1985. Representative Madigan of Illness introduced HR 1780. This legislation would stop the filing of civil tort actin for damages unless procedures of the act were strictly followed. The act set limits for payout regarding injuries to 1 million and $100,000.00 for pain and suffering. Hearing panels were enacted by the HHS secretary to determine whether the individual cases were valid. This panel would have the power to reject or accept the validity of injuries or deaths from vaccine injuries and what kind of compensation would be given. This act also included a statute of limitations, declaring all claims filed after two years of the first manifestation of injure would be rejected. “The Plague of Causation in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act”—Betsy Grey.”
By April of 1985 new legislation was introduced by Senator Hawkins of Florida, the S827, the National Childhood Vaccine Improvement Act of 1986. This act required the ACCV to provide studies that the vaccines were safe and actually worked. Also the studies would research the relationship between vaccines and diseases like pertussis and Reye syndrome, sudden infant death syndrome, juvenile diabetes. http://www.hhs.gov/asl/testify/t990928b.html, “National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,” ”
The act would enforce detail workup from healthcare providers regarding the details of the vaccine and individual child and also include any complications after the vaccine was administered. The act would require the healthcare providers and administrators to report this information to the HHS Secretary. This was the beginning of our current Vaccine Adverse Even Reporting System (VAERS). The act also would also require the HHS Secretary to fund research to help identify and develop a pertussis vaccine that was actually safe. http://www.hhs.gov/asl/testify/t990928b.html, “National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”
Represenative Wasman indruoduced HR 5546 September 18, 1986, the beginnings of the National childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Ronald Regain signed the law November 14, 1986 but with reservations. The compensation program allowed people to receive compensation from the Federal government without proof, fault, or misdeeds by the vaccine manufacture. The bill was part of a larger health bill and the White House considered vetoing the larger bill because of this issue.“S. 1744, 99th Congress (1986)” “New York Times, “Reagan signs bill on Drug Exports and Payment for Vaccine Injuries,” Robert Pear, Nov. 15, 1986.”
Vice President George H. W. Bush and the Secretary of Treasury James Baker pressured President Regan to sign the bill into law
The act included many parts from older acts, one component requires a petitioner to file a claim in the program before filing a civil tort in the state or federal court. Also included in this act, there was no liability for manufactures. “The Plague of Causation in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act”—Betsy Grey.”
The National Vaccine Injury compensation Program would handle all liability regarding vaccine injury or death. This act also granted authority to the US District Court system to judge who deserves compensation. A table of injuries was given as a guideline for vaccine related injuries and deaths. “The Plague of Causation in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act”—Betsy Grey.”
The act also gave the Secretary of Health and Human Services guidelines to revise the Vaccine Injury Table and the ability to recommend changes to the table. The group of concerned parents were troubled over the power the HHS secretary had regarding having the power to change and modify vaccine injury table. An agreement was struck to allow the secretary to make changes but with judicial oversight. This part of the act didn’t make it through congress and the HHS has absolute authority regarding how the vaccine injury table could be modified and changed. “The Plague of Causation in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act”—Betsy Grey,” “
The act also limited compensation awards to $250,00 for pain and suffering and another $250,000 for death. This act would not compensate for punitive damages. One of the provisions of the act was the HHS secretary promote a public awareness and outreach programs and the eligibility to file a claim for vaccine related injury or death. “(In § 300aa-10. Establishment of Program, (c) Publicity. The Secretary shall undertake reasonable efforts to inform the public of the availability of the program.).”S. 1744, 99th Congress (1986).\”
This provision from what I have read through comments in the general public has been so well hidden it is considered a conspiracy theory. There seems to be no information given to parents before their child starts their vaccine series. Maybe that’s why there are so many inconsistencies on how the court has to handle off-table injuries and so many vaccine injuries and deaths are not addressed or compensated.
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
The History Of America's Vaccine Court Series 1
I once jammed a book in my university library detailing records of different drugs and vaccine that leave an indelible sorrow on those it's suppose to treat, and more sad is the fact is very rampant in African children being used as test subjects unknowingly, M&B,Pfizer etc are just to mention a few, and to add more more salt to the injury they(pharmaceutical) go Scot free when caught and challenged in court.@truthtrain I bring you a friend. .
Yes I have read that Africans are being used as test subjects. Vaccines should never ever be given to people who are sick, stressed from war and famine. I will be going into this issue in the future. However we all are being used as experiments .... the vaccine industry will be looked upon as a mass murder and I hope many people who have known that vaccines do not work and harm people go to jail for life.
Great info on AIDS FROM Alison Barrington (silver ozone lady) AIDS IS A Virus, it is a man made creation, It had Clinical Trials in April 2007 in Africa
Did AIDS exist prior to 1983
State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS. By Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.@botefarm
In 1988 the Committee to Restore the Constitution documented the gene splicing work done at Ft. Detrick, Maryland (now NIH) uncovered by Dr. Theodore Steckler. By splicing sheep visna virus and bovine leukemia with human tissue they created a retro virus we now call AIDS. A retro virus is a virus that mutates, AIDS mutates very rapidly, from one host to the next.
The World Health Organization (a United Nations organization) vaccinated people in Haiti, Brazil, & Central Africa with smallpox vaccine that contained AIDS. Drs. Robert Gallo & Luc Montagnier put out the CIA cover story about a green monkey biting a native on the rear starting AIDS. AIDS does not exist naturally in any animal. The green monkey’ s kidney is used to cultivate the smallpox vaccine. This monkey would have had to be a jet pilot to have started this disease in three countries at the same time.
On May 11,1987 the front page of the London Times reported “smallpox vaccine triggers AIDS virus” WHO (the World Health Organization) murdered Africa, they immunized the people with its new weapon, AIDS. WHO conducted the most intense immunization program in it’s history against small pox and on the tail end of this program to eradicate small pox they used this new weapon, vaccinating millions with AIDS. The figures of vaccinations with AIDS in Africa are as follows; 36,878,000 Zaire; 19,060,000 Zambia; 14,972,000 Tanzania; 11,616,000 Uganda; 8,118,000 Malawai; 3,382,000 Ruanda; 3,274,000 Buruni. 14,000 Haitians on United Nations secondment in Central Africa prior to their return to Haiti. Let us not forget the WHO executive Board for 1980 Chairman: Dr. A.M. Abdulhadi (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) Vice Chairmen: Dr. Dora Galego Pimentel (Cuba) Dr. Shwe Tin (Burma) Professor I. Dogramaci (Turkey) Rapporteurs Dr. Adeline W. Patterson (Jamaica) Dr. D. Barakamfitiye (Burundi).
AIDS was then injected into the US, in New York about two Years later in Hepatitis B vaccine. Due to regular of the occurrence of hepatitis B in the homosexual community because of sodomy, they lined up for their shots and spread it in America.
In 1994 Bryan Elison and Co-author Dr. Peter Duesberg of the University of California had their book “ Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS” censored, bought out and banned by elements within the US government. Because these AIDS researchers uncovered yet another lie. HIV does not cause AIDS! There are over 5000 case studies of people with full blown AIDS that never had HIV. HIV is like other harmless viruses after your body produces antibodies that kill it, it can be found in your limp glands (dead). Now here is the truth about HIV. If left alone it does nothing, but when diagnosed the medical community recommends ( at the recommendation of CDC) treatment with the “AIDS cocktail”. This cocktail contains a toxic failed cancer chemotherapy AZT. Which causes anemia, bone marrow loss, muscle wasting, virtually destroying your immune system and mimicking AIDS and killing you.
Great work as usual reddust! There are a lot of things that I did not know about the history of that legislation of vaccines in congress, so thank you for that. A few points that I want to mention.
Contrarily to many beliefs, doctors are actually not that well trained about the adverse effects of vaccines and even sometimes, what is in those vaccines.
Sadly, a woman just passed away because she vaccined her two kids with the flu shots. https://goo.gl/AdQQzJ
Sadly some of the doctors get very little training about the benefits of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) at high dose,colloidal silver or magnesium chloride. Not enough people talk about the benefits of those solutions, especially compared to medical drugs that keep people sick all the time.
I was listening to a conference of the French Professor Michel Georget here https://goo.gl/Nin7hB and he was showing research establishing the link between vaccines and autoimmune diseases and allergies and it is actually pretty frightening!!
I read about the people who catch the flu from those who got the flu shot....this is so horrible. This is also an amazing comment. Thank you so much @juv79505
@reddust exactly, and I am actually very scared that this will go worst :( ... Oh well well let's try to stay positive :) !
Oh no no I am the one who is saying thank you so much. I have learned so much from you and @truthtrain. Both of you guys are really amazing people. You guys work hard everyday to deliver the real history and the real science. You guys really inspire me in many ways. I really admire that.
Thank you friend @juv79505, I have strong feelings when authority tries to force me or anyone else into buying a product or forcing an ideology...I have been doing a lot of reading and will be posting more articles regarding our rights here in the US when being forced into taking medicine we do not want. American's fought many wars to stop this kind of tyranny.
You're very welcome @reddust :) . Yeah I really really look forward to your new articles :) ! We should know about our rights otherwise powerful people will use it against us.
thanks :)
@truthtrain you are very welcome :) ! That's pretty cool by the way
trust me I am a Doctor
@truthtrain wooow how ironical
Thank for spending the awareness of the harm of deciding to take vaccines. Me and my family live in Canada and my daughter has never allowed her two daughters to have any needles (they are 18 and 22 now) and boy was it a struggle in their earlier school years as it was mandatory but my daughter fought. Over time more parents started researching for pro's and con's and many have opted not to vaccinate. Again thanks for sharing brilliant, informative article.
I hope more and more people start questioning and researching everything in our culture. We need to do this to stay free. We must protect our children they are our future.
Thank you for being such a great advocate. Information is power.
As a soon to be parent, you are seemingly a light in the darkness casted by the American government. Thank you for your hard work to find this information and share it!
question everything!! we cannot be judged for our question and from experience the white coats do not like to be questioned!! reasons? well they do not have many answers. Most of them are trained.
Ask them what they learned about vaccines in medical school............... crickets
Good jop friend.
when are you to aceh.
my family is waiting for you to come
My investments will have to grow. Hopefully by 2019 my husband and I will become world travelers and I will remember to visit. I want to see all the ancient places of your land, eat your food, and meet your family and understand your culture.
2019 is too long.
my family has been waiting for you
I wish I could visit right now, however my family needs me right now and I can't leave. I was hoping on traveling the world on my crypto investments.
hahahahahahah. .. hopefully succeed brother. ..
brother/man .... sister/female English lessons hahaha
hahahhaha. ..yes sister. hhahahha
@kingsberry who....???
better stop and see me lol :)@reddust
What triggered my attention is the side effects of the vaccine. This is what happens to my son when he gets the vaccine. His body temperature rises and he begins to cry.
Thank you @reddust for this history
I will write about side effects soon in my history of vaccine series. Thank you @askmee
Me who must say thank you , I'm waiting your next post about effects
Babies screaming for long periods
You should always be on guard that a migraine may be a warning sign of a CBS Gene mutation, especially CBS 699t. When sulfur is not properly metabolized, EXCRUCIATING HEAD PRESSURE may result when sulfites enter the brain and produce acute pain.@askmee
Having genetic mutations should be taken into consideration when vaccinating because people that have these genetic mutations are more susceptible to illness
MTHFR gene mutation
Transsulfuration (such as CBS 699t),
Glutathione production and utilization (such as GSTM1), and
Pathogen Load (such as HLA-DR15).
C282Y gene
When gene mutations are present, low cycle output may result in a cascade of debilitating or life threatening events.
I support my family
Hahahahha lol
Good jop friend.
when are you to aceh.
my family is waiting for you to come 😀😀😀😀
Hopefully soon, I can't wait to explore the world.
specials to aceh. met my family
I'm also curious what's going on in the world right now with vaccines and when you should do them (Because I rarely do them). It's definitely an important topic to talk about.
The common people will never be given the truth freely...this is just the way the world has always worked. People have forgotten how awful it has been for most of the poor here in American and Europe. I feel we are soon going to get a reminder. California has over 55,000 homeless living where ever they can park their tent. They are pooping all over the place like wild geese, no clean water and food, this is what created the great plagues of the past.
You are being celebrated! @sumatranate used the #notlikeme hashtag to showcase your unique contributions to the Steemit community.
To learn about this movement click here.
Thank you @sumatranate I like the movement that has nothing to do with fancy holiday trips, cryptocurrency, memes, ....you know what I mean.
This is the sequel to the topic that you published earlier?
Yes @soufianechakrouf....
Btw very informative keep going
This has been very difficult data to read, my heart feels heavy for days after I get done researching and writing articles like this...However, my art helps so I am doing fine looking forward to my next art projects.
Yes i know that how much hard to write thorny and complex topics like that art help us to find ourseleves and helps our imagination to awake from its slumber
my imagination is too awake sometimes....hahaha
but I know what you mean
Haha you are always know what i mean
I always wonder when I see stories about vaccines . Was it always this bad and we just did not know to question it or has it become worse? It just seems like you can't trust anything these days.
We shouldn't trust authority. It's our natural rights to question what is good and safe....This is why I am posting this information. I am researching because of my questions that my doctor wouldn't answer...
Side effects of vaccinations can make you sick in the rest of your life. In addition, side effects of many medications are due to vaccinations.so are you @reddust good post congratulations for you
For many sadly this has been true @turkishcrew.
Good jop friend.
when are you to aceh.
my family is waiting for you to come 😀😀😀😀
This year I have to stay in Oklahoma and help family, hopefully if my investments grow and my family is doing well my husband and I can travel and meet your family <3
Do you see @safrijals and @dek-jal put down same comment. copy pasting or multi accouter
No I didn't @kingsberry, but I do know they don't speak English very well. I have been checking their blogs out but forget to see if they are spamming comments. Thanks for the heads up!
Yeah they don't know language of English better. They're really lucky. If not maybe flagging. Appreciate your kindness @reddust.
I checked their blogs out some time ago and I think they are okay...I try and not enable people, thank you again @kingsberry.
Thanks to your judgement mam... I salute you again. Don't be misunderstand any steemians. I told you I've seen only one thing. I didn't tell they did spam here. No worries. Have fun.
I am sorry . I am commenting on @reddust not you sorry again
No worries @dek-jal, my friend @kingsberry is just being a good steemian. I know your brother and sister, hopefully you are not all the same person because I like you all.
yes thank you very much my friend. hope your day is fun
thanks a lot my friend.
best regards for you
I'm waiting for you as soon as possible
Vaccinations like drugs are not safe but necessary . The real problem relates mainly to age; The success of vaccination itself adversely affects, against vaccination itself, Parents, and sometimes medical staff, are not aware of the effects of the disease (Because the vaccination prevents them from occurring), but pay attention to the effects of lateral vaccination only.
I have issues with any medicine that kills or injures just one person to save many...there is something wrong with that philosophy. Vaccines have injured and killed millions through its history.
My nephew takes him every 3 months to the doctor for the vaccine
It's mandatory
It's not mandatory here in America yet, but several states will not allow children in daycare and public schools if they are not vaccinated. Here in America you cannot force people to buy a product that they don't want...well it used to be that way. Now we are forced to do many things that are harmful to our health, wealth, and freedom.
Haha you are in America and we are in Morocco
big difference
@reddust actually I believe I heard that in California it is mandatory for kids now, otherwise they cannot got to neither public schools nor private schools. There are also some other restrictions on them, basically they can barely go outside of their home. But this is new, actually a few years ago California was actually much more free when it came to vaccines. I was thinking of moving to California for a programming job after I would finish my Ph.D but definitely now I won't haha.
Most public schools here in America try and force vaccines on Children, they don't tell the parents there are religious and medical exemptions. You are right and I read Japan is very careful with vaccines. That is honorable governance.
Oh really? I didn't even know that there was exemptions that parents can use for their children in school. Thank you, this is really helpful. My daughter is almost a year and a half and we are trying to prepare for when she will go to school and not have to get those horrible vaccinations. At first, the idea that came to us was homeschooling, and then we started researching on private school. But for some reasons we were under the "belief" that a lot of private schools also do not accept non-vaccinated kids. Now with the piece of informartion that you just shared with me we have more options.
Thank you again @reddust! :)
This letter is to serve as notification that ___________________________________ and ________________________________, the parents of __________________________________, born _________, _______, 20____, are exercising our right to a religious waiver on all future childhood vaccinations because we find them to be in extreme violations of our personal religious beliefs. The following are ways in which these violations manifest themselves in the vaccinations recommended by the Center for Disease Control. The use of cells, cellular debris, protein, and DNA from willfully aborted human children found in Adenovirus, Polio, Dtap/Polio?HIB Combo, Hep A, Hep A/Hep B Combo, MMR, MMRV, Pro Quad, Rabies, Varicella, and the Shingles vaccines violate the very basic commands found in Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:15 which instructs us to not murder. The following ingredients were derived from no fewer than 107 human souls who were sacrificed for social reasons and then used in past and ongoing vaccine research: PER C6, HEK293, WI-38 (RA 27/3), WI-1, WI-2, WI-3, WI-4, WI-5, WI-6, WI-7, WI-8, WI-9, WI-10, WI-11, WI-12, WI-13, WI-14, WI-15, WI-16, WI-17, WI-18, WI-19, WI-20, WI-21, WI-22, WI-23, WI-24, WI-25, Wi-26, WI-27, WI-38, WI-44, and MCR-5 plus many other ingredients obtained from human children not required to be listed by FDA guidelines. Supporting vaccinations and vaccination developments is an endorsement of the sacrifice of those and the continuing sacrifice of other human souls. Genesis 4:1. 17 and Jeremiah 1:5 demonstrate that the deceased children used in the aforementioned vaccinations were recognized by God as human souls from the point of conception in the same way that we, as parents, recognized our child as a human from the moment we were aware of his/her presence in his/her mother’s wombs.
Genesis 1:27-28, 4:1, 2 Kings 17:17-18, Psalm 22:10-11, 106: 35, 37-38, 113: 7-9, 127:3, 139:13-16, Amos 1:13, Matthew 18:1-4 and Matthew 19:13-15 are just a few verses that illustrate the aforementioned children as blessing from God that are valued and loved by him, their Creator, in whose image they were created and that their killing is condemned and causes God’s destructive anger to burn against their murderers and those complicit in those murders.
Exodus 20:13, Leviticus 18-21 & 20:2-5, Deuteronomy 5:13, 12:30-32, 18:10, 2 Kings 16:3, and Psalm 106:38 illustrate that all child sacrifice is condemned with no exception clauses allowing for the greater good or public exception clauses found anywhere in the sacred scriptures. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and 10:31 remind us that we are to regard our bodies a temples of God’s Holy Spirit and that we are to honor God, our Creator and possessor of our very bodies by not defiling them. Notwithstanding the presence of socially sacrificed human cells and debris in vaccinations, we firmly believe that the presence of neurotoxins, hazardous substances, attenuated viruses, animal cells, foreign DNA, albumin from human blood, carcinogens, and chemical wastes is in strict violation of our imperative to treat our bodies as holy temples of the very Spirit of God.
Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:10-11, 17:14, Deuteronomy 12:23, Acts 15:20 and 29 informs us that blood represents the life force of human and animal species and that human blood was to be kept pure under all circumstances and free from contaminants such as animal cells, parts, and blood. We thank you for respectfully adhering to our first amendment rights guaranteed as citizens of the United States of America by her great Constitution and reinforced on a state level by the fourteenth amendment without prejudice.
Maternal Parent (printed)
Maternal Parent
Date Signed:________________________
Paternal Parent (printed)
Paternal Parent
Date Signed:____________________
Notary Public Witness:
State of ____________________________________, _______________________________________ County
I, __________________________________________, a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that _____________________________________ and __________________________________ personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the _______ day of ___________________, 20___.
@truthtrain That's very good to know! I am saving this
@hassanben are you a fan of Detective Conan?
I find your article interesting. Vaccination is essential for the immunization of the population, but there are still many people who are not adept at using it and are afraid.
We have been told vaccines are essential but humans have been around millions of years without vaccines....what is essential is clean water/air, proper sanitation, healthy living conditions, and food...these are the real vaccines we cannot live without and if we don't have these fundamentals to a healthy life we get diseases like the pox, typhoid, hepatitis and so on....these are the diseases of city slums, war, and poverty, which vaccines cannot cure.
@reddust awesome! I couldn't have said it any better.
This is what I learned researching this topic, I am glad I helped you @juv79505
@reddust great article. Very factual and interesting. Thanks for taking the time to post
Thank you @anne.collins, these are difficult articles to write for me, my mind boggles at the bad science and laws.
@reddust I look forward to your future articles
Thank for spending the awareness of the harm of deciding to take vaccines. Me and my family live in Canada and my daughter has never allowed her two daughters to have any needles (they are 18 and 22 now) and boy was it a struggle in their earlier school years as it was mandatory but my daughter fought.
Here in America the states are trying to make vaccines mandatory but with the history of awareness from the anti-vaxxer movement speaking out about bad science and laws the states are having a difficult time enforcing the law and overstepping their constitutional powers.
good question! i feel that we can just stick people with needles and inject them with medicine if we cannot confirm that it works.
I will be investigating modern vaccines and the immune system in another series this coming spring.
Very cool! Follow me! I have great content also about the body. We did sheep brain dissections in my class the other day! Check it out on my blog!
Interesting post, and very informative and comprehensive in its content.
I'm looking forward to our next post
Good jooob
In 1976 I began to call for the emergence of the swine flu virus. The terror of human beings and the manipulation of the human mind, control its perception of everything .. because our awareness is what leads to our actions and actions and if you want to control the actions of someone you must control his awareness! And the perception that they want to put people in it is more and more dangerous because once you feel the fear of something, it will look outside itself for one or something to protect them from this fear, which has been deceived by .. So instilled in them the fear of swine flu to say well, save us Of the swine flu .. then they will say well "extend your arm!" "Extend your child's arm!" You get scared and pull your child in panic to get vaccinated, swine flu is coming
The truth is that they are doing their many experiments for a big thing to come in the future but before they reach it they do simple experiments to see how to reach their goal gradually, and what they are looking for is what people will do .. What people will stick to .. What reaction will people have .
By Kano, the experiences of their people are now held in the developing nations.
Has your family been a victim of these vaccines?
I know some people who infected just after vaccine
Vaccines Are Not Safe! In fact they are deadly! I am so glad you shared this information on Steemit. My favorite argument is "if I don't take the vaccine then I will make others sick". If they have taken the vaccine should they not be safe from the people who didn't take the vaccine??
it is good to know the history and the legal side of these kind of thins..but we all pay little attention on such things..in a atmosphere like that your post is a good source of information to us :)
It is truly worrisome that vaccines are used as a marketing product without assessing what is really important for the people who apply it and even more so in children, and although they do not ask me this is worse in third world countries and I know because I live in South America
postign is very nice my friend likes to postign you
you deal with the topic in a really very grat way following you to benefit from your wonderful posts thank you dear
posting a very good friend, I really enjoy reading your post. And I am very happy to follow you. my best regards @fauzanhaikal from aceh indonesia
According to the founding father of drugs by the name paracelsus, every drug is a poison, what makes it safe is the dose.
Vaccines generally from my undergraduate level of understanding as a medical student are attenuated toxins used to prevent a disease caused by the organism from which it is gotten from.
The bases of drug still lie on the fact that they are potential risk factors that can predispose one to different adverse and clinical side effects if not well dose-regulated. These vaccines can still be toxic and cause deleterious effect to human if not carefully and well processed since they toxins but the inactivated ones.
Having a vaccine court will really make the pharmaceutical companies agency producing the vaccines more alert and up and doing.
They won't want to be indicted, hence they will really ensure that they are 100% sure of what ever therapeutic efficacy they claim the vaccines have.
Nice post @reddust
Excellent job my friend you tell some infos i wasnt know 😂
and hopefully my friends are always healthy forever .. and I am very happy to follow you in this steemit friend .. hopefully we can be friends forever here my good friend
Ohhh! I thank you for sharing this information.
thanks for sharing in lots of detail today some unseen things to be seen
Informative health post about the vaccine. Upvoted and reblogged :)
Where do you find so much information like wow
Some extraordinary things you told in this post thanks for sharing
We have to go through all regulations and rules and build a vaccine court!
you continued the series in a great way thanks for sharing
Great work you are doing by sharing the post on this i appreciate your effort
can you help me? https://www.gofundme.com/cfefg5-i-need-therapy
No, I can't help you, but you can help yourself. You should not post your links on people's blogs comment section. Instead you can write an article and ask for help. If you post another link asking for money I will flag you and this will reduce your reputation rank.
I love your posts on vaccines! This is some good research.