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RE: The History Of Vaccine Series

in #health7 years ago

The old diseases like smallpox were called the disease of the poor throughout human history. Smallpox material used from the past included pus from horse hooves, pus from infected cow udders, pus from infected lesions on humans without any kind of examination what was in the pus. Many say this is were syphilis came from. Cowpox only infects female cows and is not related to human small pox and the lymph fluid from animals injected into humans had nothing to do with human small pox either.

Pure vaccine lymph
The "pure calf lymph" is what I call pus, but whatever name is given to it there is no doubt that it is matter taken from a pustule. In order to obtain this matter a calf is laid upon the table and securely fastened down, its belly is shaved, and then about 150 cuts are made—an operation which some people consider very cruel. Into these wounds matter from another diseased calf is rubbed, and, as a result, pustules grow from each wound. When these pustules have fully developed the calf is again strapped down on the table, and the pustules are scraped off—another operation which would seem to be very cruel. The matter thus obtained is pounded in a mortar, and afterwards strained through a sieve. It is subsequently mixed with glycerine and becomes the "pure glycerinated calf lymph " of the trade. According to all analogy this is a very dangerous compound to put into the human blood. It is well known that pus, when put into the blood, often acts as a deadly poison. Medical men say that there is no pus in the lymph, but they give no guarantee. If we refer to the columns in the preceding table (3) headed " Vaccination, Mortality," showing the deaths from syphilis, we see that between the year 1853 (when vaccination was made compulsory) and the year 1875 the deaths from that cause of infants under one year old multiplied four­fold. It is hardly possible to avoid the conclusion that this slaughter of the innocents was in a great measure due to vaccination. [1921] Vaccination and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.


I do not think so many researches confirm that the cells of the body attack the animal vaccine human immunity is relatively weak @reddust

It was and is very common even today...

This is just what is in the Package Insert for Chicken Pox vaccine, Varivax, under 'Post-Marketing Experience' (2009):

Anaphylaxis (including anaphylactic shock) and related phenomena such as angioneurotic edema; facial edema, and peripheral edema; Necrotizing retinitis (in immunocompromised individuals); Aplastic anemia; thrombocytopenia (including idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)); Varicella (vaccine strain); Encephalitis; cerebrovascular accident; transverse myelitis; Guillain-Barré syndrome; Bell's palsy; ataxia; non-febrile seizures; aseptic meningitis; dizziness; paresthesia; Pharyngitis; pneumonia/pneumonitis; Stevens-Johnson syndrome; erythema multiforme; Henoch-Schönlein purpura; secondary bacterial infections of skin and soft tissue, including impetigo and cellulitis; herpes zoster.

"My "agenda" is to tell the truth. Like the fact that, according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics, as many as 800,000 vaccine induced injuries have occurred every year in the United States since 1990."--Leonard Horowitz