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RE: Where Did The First Anti-Vaxxers Come From?

in #health7 years ago

Oh man @happyme, there are huge data banks full of information that has not been shared with the common people like you and me...allopathic medicine is great for fixing our broken bones and plumbing but they know shit about our more subtle systems like our endocrine system, immune system, and the mind...they argue about it's location all the time...the brain argument...


My spouse is a researcher and to get access to papers written by doctorate students one needs access via a university computer or pay thousands of dollars to obtain that access. Those papers were written by students and then grabbed and hidden from the general pubic. This is where we should be screaming about access to what should be public information. Years ago, universities were considered a public entity and their research could be trusted. Now they are for-profit businesses controlled by money and no longer working for pure knowledge. Everything has been corrupted by greed and we cannot trust anything any more. It is NOT progress in my mind, but rather regression.

It is violence against the common people...and more and more people are waking up to those who are supposed to be serving us are killing us in subtle ways that are profitable to only those in control of institutions, government and transitional business and banks.

And when enough people are awake to the reality, they will demand change. The oppressors should be charged with the crimes they are committing (slavery, murder, etc.) and only then will we be able to live normal lives once again. Steem and other cryptocurrencies are just the thin edge of the wedge for breaking out of oppression. I hope I live long enough to be able to experience real freedom.

Some pro poison pusher is mad we are making money of our research but it is ok he is making money off his research and followers in support of drug thugs

Welcome to the internet

I'm over it all ready

I know the truth
Real eyes
Real lies

Thanks for telling me, I hope we all pro-con can speak out and people have the freedom to choose. All I want is the freedom to choose what I want to put in my body and my children bodies. Pro vaxxers can inject what ever poison they want into their bodies and their families body. Just leave me and my family alone!

exactly it gets frustrating!!
My body my choice my responsibility!
They act like unvaccinated people are running around sick lol
Be responsible when you are sick unvaccinated or not