I don't trust bottled water and it is stored in plastic which leaches endocrine disrupters, the chemicals mimic or hormones which run our body and bottles are bad for the environment. In poor countries the cost of filters like mine are usually beyond the reach of the poor people. Also in poor countries industries can move in and take advantage poisoning the environment with their industry. America suffered from this as well at the turn of the century, a growing middle class fought the powers that be and built excellent sanitation systems. Unfortunately industry is winning here in the States our infra structure is decaying and our ground water is contaminated from bad farming practices paid for by corporate interest that pay for government officials bid for office....
Right now pollution of our dirt, water, and oceans is the biggest threat to life on earth, not climate change from co2, which to government focuses on because corporations and the government can control business and make tons of money exchanging carbon credits for money so business can pollute...it's an insane world we live in and we as individuals must survive the best we can because the government does not care about most of the worlds population.
Very true, friend @reddust, the government is looking for small solutions for big problems. We must be aware of the damage we cause to the planet and not only to this one but also to ourselves. I would like to have drinking water that is not bottled, but this is very difficult here in my country. I would like some day to have a filter that eliminates all the toxins and bacteria that are in the water. regards