Well I've been having tinnitus for the past 2 and half years now. I've sought off gotten used to it. So unless it gets high all of a sudden, I really dont notice it that much. But my case was even more surprising than yours. There was no ear inflammation or any symptoms whatsoever, it just suddenly came out of the blue. The only reason I could resort to being the cause was to use headphones semi-frequently. Heck I have never ever been to any concerts or clubs which have loud music. Yet, I still have this hideous problem. I'm just really unlucky, I guess :(
P.S If you're having trouble sleeping, then try to play some light white noise that help mask the tinnitus.
Oh my:-( 2,5 years is a long time....Thank you for the advice, I will try that. A lot of hugs to you.
You're Welcome. In these cases, we can only help each other out. :)
How are you guys doing right now?