I have mixed feelings about this.
Sure there are many kooks in the alternative medicine market that invent all sorts of crazy health ideas like putting herbs in your asshole and things like that. I am not a fan of.
Was this case like this? I don't know, and I don't know this person.
On the other hand nobody should be punished for what they are talking. It's one thing that people are forbidden to do things, it's another to forbid them to talk about things and it's getting Orwellian if they are forbidden to think about things.
Then let's see the other side: Qui Bono?
Well the big pharma industry that mostly came out of Nazi experiments from WW2.
Not to mention most of these "official medicines" have been linked to all sorts of health problems, aside from their immoral origin.
It is really a massive scam if you give a green light to these evil monopolists, but forbid small bloggers to join (who most of the time just talk about vitamins and vegetables [but hopefully they won't get into the kook science])
So yes just another erosion of liberty here.