Thanks for great quality comment! Lots of value in here.
Well it’s true that if you give people the truth right out most people aren’t really ready for it. And then people will ignore you. You need to spoon-feed people to be able to change them slowly. Since people are ready for different levels in life.
Companies are made up by people like you and me. That first try to give people something of extreme high value. Then they realise that it doesn’t work that great so they start to dumb down things. To make it simple for people since they do not want to think too hard. That takes too much energy. Humans want fast and easy solutions.
Whatever the market wants someone will create. People are in love with their problems in life. So they keep being in that loop. Clearly humans also have a personal responsibility if they want to change. Humans are not helpless they are 100% responsible over their lives.
If people tell cures exist and stuff like that people that are walking around asleep do not want to hear that. They will just ignore it and keep going in their life! So from that knowledge clearly it’s better to spoon-feed them some value instead of nothing! But this also can create humans that becomes more asleep instead of awake. But we see both effects of some more awake and some more asleep on earth. We are building two extremes in society.
Since more people are on drugs these days it takes more a shock factor to make people to react. For people that are more awake clearly it will be painful to see someone that is sleepwalking. But this is majority of people. Very slow process to change it since you need to focus on a few to make real change. But since world population always is on the rise the stupidity also seems to increase. Will be very interesting how society will look in 50 years!
Great post from you, too! The Vegan movement is exploding...maybe from the start of all of that drama with the documentaries? :D people LOVE documentaries...
People love it yes. People are bored lol. Since our free time is increasing we need to amp up that documentary production. Let amateurs do more documentaries.. Most documentaries bore you to death since you can see the hidden agenda who funds it... Just becomes silly now when people finally are starting to think with their own brain..