Health benefits and medicinal properties of Garlic
- Garlic is incredibly nutritious and has very few calories
It contains:
- vitamin C (antioxidant)
- vitamin B6 (supports the formation of red blood cells)
- selenium (improve the elasticity of the skin)
- fiber (improve digestion)
- manganese (important for our bones)
- Regulates blood circulation
Garlic has positive effects on your 💗, lowers your blood pressure. So it's good especially for older people, which blood is constantly higher because they don't drink as much water as they should (and we know that drinking 3-4l water per day reduce your blood presurre). Garlic is also able to clean your blood because it removes harmful substances. So garlic consumption prevents formation of diseases like heart-attack, stroke, Alzheimer - because if your blood circulates as it does, your memory is better.
What is also important is that garlic can reduce blood sugar - so peoplewith Diabetes should eat a lot of Garlic.
- Antibiotic
Garlic contains substances called Thiosuplhinates and they have an antibiotic effect. Researches even think that garlic is stronger than normal antibiotik, because Thiosulphinates can kill microorganisms that are resistant to some ATB. But a thermal processing of garlic loses the ATB effect.
Apples also could help you to get rid of the garlic smell. But even 2 cloves per day could have a healthy effect, I wouldnt suggest to eat them in the morning 🙄
Really? Good to know :) Haha U can eat them in the morning if U're not going anywhere :D But your wife/girlfriend wouldn't be happy about your smell so it doesn't matter what time you eat the garlic, U just need to eat a lot of apples then :D