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RE: Natural Cancer Medicine: How To Treat Cancer With Diet & Supplements

in #health8 years ago

@sift666 Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. It's absolutely disgusting that natural medicine is being criminalised, if you'd told me ten years ago there would be an underground market in apricot kernels I would have laughed, well I'm not laughing now. The Codex Alimentarius project is taking aim at all forms of natural medicine but it's being done slowly so people don't notice, alas eventually we will have no choices. Big Pharma wants it all from food production to medicine the two will eventually feed each other in an unholy cycle. Liposomal C is excellent and with a proven track record. Respect to you for being invloved in an industry that gives people hope, keep fighting the good fight. Again thanks for reading & commenting.