Want to relieve Migraines? Try Essential Oils ~ they work.

in #health8 years ago

I am a chronic migraine sufferer and decided to try essential oils. At first skeptical, I went on the advice of my massage therapist and purchased a small bottle (15 ml) of Peppermint oil, along with the roll-on to use on the back of my neck and hairline at the top of my forehead. There was a relief, the air around me smelled magnificent and I also purchased a diffuser which made all of the difference. I started experimenting with different aromas finding favorite now "Lemon Eucalyptus". Hope you'll try it out and give me feedback.


Yeesss. Peppermint oil is the best. I use it not only for headaches but also for pain and inflammation. So much better than over the counter medicine.

Yes. I want to stay away from meds a much as I can. Would rather sit by a diffuser than pop more medications. :)

Also whenever you are stressed or depressed I have found that frankincense from a diffuser is very effective

Hey, thanks for the tip, I struggle with depression also. I believe the two connect with each other. Chronic pain and invisible illnesses.

I've heard a lot about how good essential oils are recently! Apparently lavender is particularly good!

Lavender is not one of my favorites, but then that's just me!