in #health7 years ago

The technology can help you lose those extra pounds, because the simple fact of wearing a pedometer can make you a much more active person as we write down in a journal the number of steps we take each day. This will increase our activity level by 16%.
Instinctively, we tend to compete against ourselves and try to beat our own brands.

Ironies of life: to get rid of your beer belly you do not have to give up your favorite drink; Unlike. Men who drink an average of one alcoholic drink a day are 18% less likely to have lozenges than those who do not even have a drink.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages moderately and regularly may stimulate a metabolic process that breaks down alcohol to produce heat. This effect could, in turn, increase the number of calories the body burns.
It is his job not to drink more than one glass a day, which contains approximately 12 grams of alcohol (about 150cc of wine, 350cc of beer or 45cc of liquor, all standard measures).

If you are watching your weight, you especially control your appetite on weekends.
On Saturdays we usually ingest, on average, 236 calories more than any other day of the week.
On weekends the schedules are less rigid, as are eating habits. To avoid falling into temptation, plan your diet also on weekends.


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