Insurance against Allopathic Medicine?

in #health7 years ago

allopathy |əˈlɒpəθi|

noun [ mass noun ]

the treatment of disease by conventional means, i.e. with drugs having effects opposite to the symptoms. Often contrasted with homeopathy.

I called my insurance company today to cancel my health insurance. The woman on the line was very receptive and I jokingly admitted that I saw no sense in insuring myself when all the treatment I could expect would be of allopathic nature i.e. treat the symptoms not the cause.

While the conversation was rather hilarious it shed a light on the seriousness and sinister side of things: Can you insure yourself against stupity? I mean accidents happen and I'd like to get only the basic care and that's fine. However I wouldn't ever accept chemotherapy simply because it doesn't (again) address the cancer stem cells.


To be fair I, or we actually forgot that the insurance company does reimburse homeopathy:

You will be reimbursed for a homeopathic medicine if:

  • the medicine is registered according to the Dutch Medicines Act (this can be seen from the registration number (RVH) on the packaging)
  • the medicine is made by a manufacturer who has a permit for this
  • a doctor prescribes the medicine and a pharmacy or a dispensing general practitioner delivers the medicine

You will receive a homeopathic medicine (magistral preparation) made especially for you if:

  • a doctor prescribes the medicine, and
  • a pharmacy or a dispensing general practitioner delivers the medicine

You will be reimbursed for an anthroposophic medicine if:

  • the brand WALA or Weleda is and you have purchased the medicine in the Netherlands
  • a doctor prescribes the medicine
  • a pharmacy or a dispensing general practitioner delivers the medicine

What do you not get reimbursed?

You will not receive compensation for:

  • self-care products
  • dietary supplements (products consisting only of vitamins, minerals or bioactive substances)
  • phytotherapeutic medicines (products based on plant products)
  • group treatments or group meetings
  • (online) training
  • weight loss treatments (such as Bio HCG)
  • weight loss meetings (such as Weight Watchers)
  • laser treatments for, for example, quitting smoking
  • neurofeedback therapy (even if the practitioner is affiliated with a recognized professional association)

Now from my own experience I know that sometimes your immune system needs to be reminded that the symptoms you are having are cause by disease. And when even the Lancet proved homeopathy actually works in a double blind placebo controlled trial then what are we waiting for?

The 1994 Lancet Fiasco

Here’s stunning proof that homeopathy is effective, published in the prestigious and oldest medical journal: The Lancet. Since randomized, cross-over, placebo controlled trials show that homeopathy does actually work, there must be something wrong with the randomized, cross-over, placebo controlled trials, said the editor of The Lancet!

Allthough I could not find the article in question please let me know if you find it!

If you look for other evidence be prepared to read a lot of FUD and lies.

Homeopathic research is still in its infancy. The body of evidence that exists shows that much more investigation is required – 44% of all the randomised controlled trials carried out have been positive, 5% negative and 47% inconclusive. Unfortunately, homeopathy does not attract large amounts of funding.

Randomised controlled trial of homoeopathy versus placebo in perennial allergic rhinitis with overview of four trial seriesCommentary: Larger trials are needed

The Wahls diet Protocol

That being said key to succes is good nutrition! If you can't fight the disease because your too weak or you lack essential nutrients than homepathy probably would help you much (my opinion).

The Wahls protocol, a diet originally designed for people with Multiple Sclerosis, has had huge benefits for me eventhough I don't suffer from MS. If you read this book with plenty of evidence and anecdotes, you'll soon feel much better just by reading it. Allthough it will make your head spin as well.

But not only that, it's increasingly evident that sticking to our genetic roots will make more better than any drug could ever achieve.

Clinical Trials

With EOS coming along soon (testnet ready) I wondered if we could have cheaper clinical trials, double blind placebo controlled studies to prove herbs, nutruition and even electro-therapy like PEMF works.

Years ago I had already devised a plan to create a iOS app, using Health Kit an Research Kit to monitor the improvement of the wellbeing of patients suffering from Mutliple Scleroris. Simply because it's easy to measure movement!

BlockChain insurance

Of course we could start with medical insurance on the blockchain already. I'm not affraid to tell my government to mind it's own business and I will mind mine, thank you very much. While the discussion of government is another topic which you can find a few months ago on my blog, I still think we can do much better by doing it ourselves.

See you can have a savings account which can act as an insurance too. Having good controls and information on the real value of care by having blockchains for clinical trials will quickly make current central, government sollutions obsolete.


Please share your insights, questions and comments. I started out by writing about a funny incident and didn't mean to go into this tough subject very deep. Steem is unfortunately still not good enough to reach a big enough rewarding audience.



Homeopathic medicine is impossible for one simple reason: the water cycle. If we are to believe that water or other suspensions carry an "imprint" of bioactive compounds that our body can readily utilize even at .01 ppm, then you must also accept that unhealthy and harmful compounds imprint as well. Given that almost all water on earth is recycled through natural or artificial means, you would never know what you were actually putting into your body IF homeopathic assumptions were true. Luckily they are not.

Well you obviosly didn't read through the sources I kindly provided. These thought experiments you are providing might seem true but either homeopathy uses distilled water or some other method of preparation. You think a scam which wouldn't work would be around for hundreds of years?

I did in fact read your sources, all of which have been addressed by actual publications like the Lancet. The placebo effect has been shown to be extremely powerful, which more than accounts for any scams supposed benefits. Also, in ANY study showing homeopathic remedies efficacious nature, the sample size can be as small as two individuals, which is truly unacceptable as concrete evidence that homeopathic remedies are more effective than more well researched ones. In fact, the same Lancet meta-analysis that you lampoon so vehemently shows that the smaller the sample size, the more likely it the study was to show positive improvement in response to treatment from BOTH traditional and homeopathic remedies. However, as the sample sizes grew, "allopathic" treatments continued to demonstrate efficacy, whereas homeopathic ones shot down to match the results with the control groups.
As for it being around for hundreds of years, there are still cultures that drink the ashes of their dead because they believe it imbues them with the strength of their ancestors. Likewise we have a Flat Earth Society, so lets not use people who believe in something despite all the evidence to the contrary as an example of supposed efficacy.

I'm really glad you're replying! I want to know the truth I can guess as much as you do but how can it a big placebo effect or powerful placebo effect? That just smells like BS to me.

Sure low sample size is a problem but I'm not lampooning no it's the other way around. Mainstream science is often fake science, vaccines and all that BS which never creates real immunity btw it's mostly fake and fradulent but yeah try saying that in public and you'll get stoned by the mob. And I did in fact not lampoon the Lancet Meta analysis, no you can find that one a lot no I'm talking about 1994!

So show me concrete evidence that Homepathy doesn't work not some BS that it just doesn't work because it doesn't.

Here is a metadata analysis of over 1800 research papers by the Australian Government.

Now let me be clear, preventative medicine is paramount to a sustainable, healthy society. However, that being said, I believe that it is a disservice to society to champion methodologies which are immoral and harmful. If anything is fake science, homeopathy fits the bill.

As for the placebo effect there are numerous studies which have been scratched because they were confounded by the placebo effect. However, an article for your consideration:

of course cancelling insurance is very good thing to do, we pay them for nothing, the only insurance is to take care about ourselfs and live a healthy life !

Yeah man, I hear you!

This is a very well written post. I have learned a lot about Homeopathy from it. More people need to read this post on a very pressing subject. Thank you for writing it!

Unfortunately the Western medicine treat the symptoms as a principle which in my opinion is not the right approach. Sometimes you have not a choice except to wait for the consequences of the doctors' decisions -
good or bad...

That's why I say f*** allophatethic medicine ;)

  1. Institute Socialized Healthcare

  2. No, homeopathy doesnt work. Trust science or you're getting removed from the gene pool via the marvelous system of only strongest/smartest surviving.

Proof? Because I just proved for all of you that homeopathy does work, go into the article, fetch the Lancet stuff, the links are all there!

Also, if you're already terminal, palliative care is gonna be an important thing. Science cant perform miracles, but homeopathy SURE AS HELL isnt gonna perform miracles.

Heared about cancer vaccines, like made from real tissue from your own body? I think that's how homeopathy is supposed to work, like a vaccine. It's information.

I am curious as to what type of homeopathic treatment you would be interested in pursuing?

As far as an opinion on the topic of homeopathy, the evidence cited for it does not have repeated demonstration of statistical significance in my research. I will also state that I believe that the centralization of the decisions of what a person chooses to imbibe or apply to their body in the pursuit of their health is an unnecessary and harmful system.

I'd say try it. Homeopathic remedies should have some effects which you can feel. Get a good homeopath, I believe it's just information to the body and has helped me in a better way when I had a stuffed nose for example. But this is due to food intolerance I later learned...