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RE: Alternative medicines : when good things can lead to charlatanism (part II)

in #health8 years ago

Being a GB and MD (means conventionally trained) treating my patients since 30 years 90% with homoeopathy I thank you for this moderate and respectful article. There is a philosophy I call "Living in the question." To keep on asking questions and endure the missing answers keeps humble and not drift into know-it-all-arrogance which you find on one side in religiously acting science-believers and on the other side esoteric sectarianism.
As you pointed out - human beings are very complex and we often know very little. Many misunderstandings come from different concepts of idea of man. If one sees man in a more holistic systemic way, phenomena of disease can be representations and functions of disturbances of the overall socio-psycho-physical being we are and interventions that take into account these general traits can show surprising changes. Conventional medicine of the West is more focussed on the detailed mechanisms and takes the viewpoint of cause and effect and the detailed physics, biology and chemistry. This often mechanical viewpoint excludes (purposely) holistic viewpoints and wants to force things into a certain way which definitely helps when self regulation does not work anymore like in accidents and intensive care units. Life and health is very individual and has its own rules. And to follow common sense might be very helpful. So many people following alternative medicine since so many decades - should keep the views open and not narrow things down to a "one and only". I have a high respect of the work of me colleagues in hospitals and clinics. The only thing that bothers me is their disrespect of my work and the power play of big pharma in these hospitals and clinics. It is obvious that most of harm in medicine is done by wrong science (which is biased because of money - see the present discussion and new findings regarding the role of cholesterol and the new findings that statine therapy is of no help, even harmful). There is some, but comparatively little harm coming from alternative healers who give advice against conventional therapies. In the case of my patients who I tell, not to take the anti-cholesterol medicine - it is now proven, that they benefit.


Thank you very much for this very relevant comment. I worked all my life in hospitals and I could see the benefits, but also the misdeeds of conventional medicine. I think the progress of science are useful since they allow us to understand the world around us and how the human body works. However, more and more doctors and people in general, realize that treating only the body does not always work very well. As you said, one must sees the person in a more holistic view that will considers all aspects, with all its complexity. Non-conventional medicines allow us precisely this approach.
If conventional and unconventional medicine could work together, with respect for the work of others and his own limitations, we would have a medical system where the patient is really at the heart of concerns ...

thank you - I fully agree "... where the patient is really at the heart of concerns ..."