The importance of carbohydrate or carbohydrate food in six types of balanced food is of great importance. Carbohydrates are very important for our survival. It acts as a source of energy for the organism. Originally its place after water in food content.
There are two types of carbohydrate on the basis of taste. Sugar and Nansoggar Sweet foods contain glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc. Sugar food. Starch cellulose is also a snack food.
The glycemic index (GI) is the measure of the amount of blood sugar produced by eating carbohydrate foods. GI factor contains low amounts of bit, potatoes, milk, ripe fruits, honey, oats and various alcoholic foods.
GI factor is available in more quantity of rice, bread, soybean, mushroom, rajma, lentur, pulses, sea food, kutcha, potato, meat, onion, garlic, lentils etc. There should be 400 to 500 grams of grains of food, 50 grams of sugar and 150 grams of vegetables in the diet list of a full adult healthy person.
Carbohydrates food make a man healthy