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RE: Investigating the truth behind @steemtruth’s “truth” - Part 1: Vaccines do not stop desease?

in #health7 years ago should be incredible happy that essential body functions (like our adaptive immune system, that we can teach how to deal with dangerous infections/diseases by vaccinations e.g.) are working unconsciously, otherwise a ignorant being like you would not make it very long.
Cheer your body functions! :D


We have to remind our immune system how it works ?
In an unphysiological way? Sorry but memory's cells are slow learners . So what you are saying is injecting diseases prevents diseases but you don't get sick because you choose an abnormal route ? Measles ? You don't think there are checks and balances through the "whole" process ? 75% of your immune system is in your gut .Get a fever get a rash you get immunity ! Why do you think there are booster shots ? Artificial immunity wore off? Memories cells need a reminder. Why do you think adults are getting measles a childhood disease ? Why do you think parents are not passing down their immunity (maternal) to their kids ? Do infants even produce antibodies the first year of life or do they get the protection immunoglobulins from the parent (breast milk). Learn the difference between cellular and humoral immunity. Well like Th1 Th2 and Th3.

Aluminum is placed in the vaccines to selectively target the up-regulation of the humoral arm (TH2 cells) of children’s immune systems, to drive the production of antibodies. The medical community leads us to "believe" that this production of antibodies is what imparts for children a protective nature against vaccine-preventable illnesses. Yet, this outcome may come at a cost.
Antibodies do not determine immunity

And you didn't answer my question.