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RE: Are Germs The Cause Of Infectious Disease?

in #health7 years ago

Interesting!! That's a perspective that at first I thought was ridiculous - germs exist and of course they cause disease!

But after reading the additional explanations, it's not a silly theory after all; it actually lines up with things I've read and thought about before.

The point that many bacteria help clean out the "sewers" of the body is key; I believe that science is discovering the important role of say gut bacteria in our intestines in helping maintain our health, and even fighting other bacteria (given the vast diversity in microbe life, some of that life can simply be hostile to us, but some is also critical to us). So when people consume a ton of antibiotics... It upsets the microbial gut ecosystem, which paves the way for more hostile bacteria to come in.

This is certainly a complex and interesting topic; maybe the term "germ" is too derogatory to the little helpers inside us. I guess I still think some are bad, but many are vital to us and we need to understand the helpful ones better before we say go into space and leave them behind. :(