How to get healthier right now? ~ Baby steps for an optimum health! ~ Your body will thank you!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians! 

As a nutritionist, I always encourage you in my posts to do something for your health, a minimum of something! That’s why I thought to write down these ideas/acts of how to get actually healthier NOW. Not next Monday or next week.  

There is always something you can do for your health. If you don’t have the time or it’s not a good moment for you to do a bit more, then try to adopt some healthy habits and stick with it until it gets so normal for you. This way, you wont loose it again.   


For example, if you start to make a smoothie/day everyday in one month, then you’ll do this automatically. Your body will tell you ‘Hey man, it’s time for that smoothie!’ You wont feel it something hard to do. No, you will do it within a second because you got used with the method and everything.  

Take this example also. Personally, I always wanted to make my own bread. It’s 5 years since I pray for this to happen. But I never successed because I wanted to bake all those recipes on the interent. Everytime I had to choose other ingredients and a new method. Until I decided this. “Ok, I wont be able to try all those amazing recipes. I just can’t. But I will choose 2-3 basic recipes, with these ingredients I would love to have and when I have the time to bake others recipes, I will.” And this moment changed my life. Since than, I have my healthy bread.   


Thank you for your patience; here are some advices, tips, baby steps (whatever you name it) for increasing your health without struggling. Choose one or two or how many you can and be steady!! 

  1. You can start drinking 8 or more than 8 glasses of water.  

  2. Start your day with a healthy breakfast (if you don’t have imagination, you can ask me about it or you can read a bit on the internet). Here are some quick examples: quinoa porridge with fruits, oatmeal, a smoothie, spinach & eggs, toast with some coconut butter and some fruits, youghurt, you can try also this hummus, or this Chia breakfast.   It depends of what kind of food do you like to eat in the morning ( sweet, sour, juicy, consistent, eggysh, veggies, salty, a tea or maybe nothing :p )

3. Set a goal: a smoothie/day or a veggie juice/day or a fresh salad/day. 

4. Get early in bed! You wont feel healthy if you don’t get enough sleep! Also it’s important the hour when you go to bed. You should be in bed at 10 p.m. and start your day early. It’s hard to get used with this habit, but it’s possible.  

  5.  You can have 2 days/week when you will eat only vegan or vegetarian. This way, you’ll give your digeststive system and entire body a pause from that food and combinations of foods that requires more time for digesting. 


6.  Try replacing “fry” with “baked”  

7. Remove all that unhealthy sugar!!!!PLEASE DO! Try to eat instead more fruits, nuts, dried fruits, healthy bars etc.  

8. If you have the possibility, take some supplements (vitamins and minerals). You can start with Ca and Mg a week(for example), then take some Iron and Selenium(next week) and Omega (next week) and so on.  

 9. Eat more vegetables than before! Don’t try to eat all the vegetables that exists! Pick just the ones you like!   


  10. Make a shopping list home and when you go shopping, buy just the foods on the list! Don’t stare at those cakes or fat bombs sugary!    

  11. This is hard, I know! But without exercising…its hard to feel healthy! Do 15 min/day at least! Go for a walk or choose whatever it pleases you! Do it when you cook or when you watch your movie. Just try to find the perfect moment for you in order to achieve.  


  12. You can set alarms and reminders for this.    

  13. Choose whole grain cereals instead of white ones! You can read this article!

14.  Try new recipes. Choose some healthy recipes and try them! Maybe you’ll like them and they will remain in your personal food repertory!  


Hmm….I wish I could write more advices, believe me when I say there are so much more! I cant even say which ones are the most important eighter! It doesn’t matter, for the moment! Just do something, anything! Choose whatever it fits you and go forward! When you can, come back and choose another one and keep going! You will see the difference! Your body will thank you! You will feel better and better with every step that you take!! 

So, dont forget! START TODAY! with just one step! !

Miss Deli  

 ♥  ♥ 


Baby Steps are a good approach ♦♦ Things "taken in bite-sized chunks" are easier to swallow !
** (Goalsetting = I Listed, at the End, a GREAT #APP for Everyone )

As for me, I do a quik apple-cider vinegar drink in the a.m. (reduces #INFLAMMATION ); then a Tall glass of Water .

As to #Fiber, I often partake of BROCCOLI - adding a Mexican Dry Rub (spices) onto it, b-4 STEAMING this #Vegetable .

Comes out wonderfully !

Then too, I eat whole grain cereals & also whole grain bread ♦♦ I use GF flours too (I have Tapioca & #Coconut flour right now).

Tapioca is naturally gluten-free in its pure form. I just got Tapioca - Small pearls -- naturally #healthy)

Liked yr Tip, "Have 2 days/week when you will eat only vegan or vegetarian". This is an EZ way for people to begin ! **AS to Your pics, like the 3rd one down .. it looks like GrannySmith #Apple + Oats

P.S. -- An app to aid EVERYONE with #Goalsetting:

I do use #smoothies, too. Sometimes I like to put PINEAPPLE in it (aids with sore throat prevention ).

Yes, baby steps are meant to be also for the people that are taking much slowly this '' general health improvement'. I thing ACV is amazing! I still read about it, to know much about its benefits. I drink ACV whenever I remember and also in my ''weekly-monthly-random detox period). Haha, I just prepared one bottle of ACV to bring to my dad, for drinking it. I use tapioca also, but I'm not a pro using it! I mean, I didnt do to much recipes with it. But I will, when time allows me. I try to have that rule with one or two days without meat or dairy or drinking only juices and stuff like this. Same rule, but seems like I can stick to one, so I change the ingredients or the restriction every time! ;)) Cheers from Romania @janashby !

Thank u for the reply.

Yea, with Tapioca I am going to make some pudding 4 my family

great post - thank you. My favorite picture is the picture with the figs.

Hey, thank you! Those figs are from my garden! It is awesome! that tree is giving me so many figs every year that I cant eat all! Really :xX

I totally agree with you on these steps to living a healthier life especially getting to drink atleast 5 glasses of water. I do that every day with a little tweek to it, that is adding ginger and lemon to the water and so far the results are amazing.
Meanwhile here is a related post i created, i think it might help.

Yep, sounds great that ginger and lemon! I do it too, but not everyday (not that I wish not to, its just the time and other things). I checked you article, easy to follow and also practical:) I really hope that people understand that they are responsable for their health and take action:)

Good stuff are all the photos of food that you've made yourself?

Whats your favourite smoothie to make swell, I find I put to much fruit in them and I feel like I need a healthy balance of greens as well. Like spinach and mint.

The food looks good though...keep it up!

Hello there Canada Boy!:p hehe, I will visit soon Canada, cant wait!
Yes, all photos are mine, all made by me:)
Well, honestly, even if I cant decide myself cause i'm very creative and I always do a new smoothie and cant stay with just one recipe, I believe the most 'swell smoothie' its that one that contains water, banana, some greens ( I prefer kale, spinach or parsley), apple and some powder (spirulina, kelp, maca, turmeric, etc). Kind of this formula here.
You're right trying to have much greens in your smoothies. It's much healthier. I always do this! But, there are some days when I just wanna have a delicious fruity smoothie! And I'll do it! So, yes, some balance will be ok.
Thank you for your comment!! Try to stay healthy! :p

The brownie and the yogurt parfait look especially delicious!
You must especially the rockies where I live if you're into hiking and the outdoors its one of the nicest places to visit!

Yes kale is really good I like to use kale when I visit my parents and don't have to pay for it. My mom also started using maca ( superfood ) haven't heard of spirulina or kelp but I will definitely look into them!

I've been doing banana, blueberries, protein powder and milk but its just not the same you really do need the greens and I think its best to do it with water as well!

You as well keep it up! You got yourself a new healthy eating follower.

Yeah, I use #Coconut water in mine.

I have to go get some Kale, as mine "aged out". The bag I get is so-o-o BIG that sometimes I don't get it all used

As to Fruit, I like #pineapple, banana, strawberry, & 'a Hint of mint' thrown in. Some days I add Chia & Hemp powder, in addition to my usual protein for the #smoothie.

#smoothies #health

I'm glad you're taking care of your health! Also, happy for you beacause you use hemp powder. It is a Wonder! I love it! I also use hemp seeds and hemp powder! Great superfood! And I love the taste, mostly the seeds! :xx

That brownie was actually raw vegan. Unfortunately, I dont have the recipe. It was something I made random, with ingredients that I had and the result was wow. Believe me, I'm still thinking how did I do it, but i cant remember. Well, if you hit the Follow buttom, you can see what I visited:p and also you can read about healthy stuff:) Spirulina and kelp are algae, super healthy. They are also superfoods. Spirulina was wow, top popular superfood in these last years. But indeed, its super healthy:) I like the taste of maca. I like to use it in "my cacao superfoods smoothie". You;re doing fine with your smoothies, you are also a man and you need some more proteins. But just be balanced. Make also smoothies with greens and water, as we talked:p
Thank you for your time spent here:p

I enjoy #mint too.

As a kid, I would be playing in my backyard, & I'd get a WHIFF of Mint in the air.

Yeah! me toooooo! Here in Romania, mint and basil were like growing pretty much in every yard's hourse. I mean at country side, also where I grew up!!

Hi Missdeli, il be going back to gym on monday where il be working with a trainer... Iv gained weight over the festive season that my clothes dont fit at all like they did in nov/dec. I came searching for ideas on how to implement healthy eating to my diet. I have honestly never been a strict eater but im heading for my 30's and im nervous about how quick i pick up weight. Im gonna follow you, your heading caught me coz thats exactly what im in need of. I look forward to trying out the recipes and advise you share.

Hi @themalera !I'm very happy you find my advices useful for you. They are really easy, you just need to have patience and give your body a few weeks until it gets used with these changes. You dont need to do all of it, just pick up the steps you consider priorities and also, applying them to your lifestyle and your time and living. ALso, your problem picking up weight, will be fine. you just need to give your body time. And exercise. You cant mantain your health and body fit properly if you dont exercise. Like I said, the minimum at the beginning. Tale it easy! it's very important for you to be mental well prepared. Anyways, you can write me anytime, I'll try to give you some advices from my knowledge and experience. Take care and yes, go to gym!! Show them you can :p Cause I know you really can!

you mention avoiding fries. But i wonder extra virgin olive oil is suitable for fried egg?
I mean i searched this subject many many times but it seems to me every answer is different but reasonable.
It make me really frustrated how this simple yes or no question is hard to solve.

Hello @escher99! indeed a question with multiple answers, I really get you. Yes, I mentioned and I truly believe we must avoid fries. But I'm not saying you can't have some, occasionally. It's all about the balance. Do 1 frie recipe to 6 non-frie recipes, for example. It counts when you try avoiding them and dont have fries every day or everymeal. The olive oil has a 'burning point or smoke point' much higher that other vegetable oils. Thats why it's better to use it. Do some research on the interent about 'smoke point of oils' and maybe you'll find some answers you didnt had before:) Hope I answered your question. If not, just leave a comment and I'll try to give you other informations:) Keep taking care of your health:)

Thank you for your kind reply. I still have a remainder question.
Olive oil have variety of them such as extra virgin , virgin, pomas, pure?, etc
I know refined olive oil have a fairly high smoking point which is suitable for frying.
But, But what about extra virgn olive oil?
When i see some chef do cooking guide in youtube video, they just use extra virgin olive oil, and believe me i have read so much article about 'never use extra virgin olive oil for other than dressing.'
So i have to change my question slightly, 'is extra virgin olive oil which have quite low smoke point is somehow suitable frying as such some chef demonstrates?'

Honestly, I didnt do to much research on this topic (which type of olive oil should I use). But, I did some research on my own now (and I'm glad I did) on many websites (also some good sources websites with standardes and international informations about foods and stuff, medical journales) and I came across this info, that Virgin Olive Oil or Extra Light Olive Oil have a Smoke Point higher than Extra Virgin Olive Oil (390 - 468°F than extra virgin olive oil which has 350 - 410°F) thats why is better to use for frying. I cant find yet an explination of why is that and the chemistry behind it....Still reading and learning! I'm sorry I cant answer properly your question. I'll do my research though and when I found something new I'll write you. So, Yes. Tough question.

Oh, I didn't know that Extra Light Olive Oil have a Smoke Point higher than Extra Virgin Olive Oil . Will Have to order some, to use now (☻thanx a bundle)

Shall vote up yr comment

I sometimes use Extra Virgin Olive Oil w/ LEMON (as a healthy drink).

Hello! thank you vor visiting my article! Glad I could help! I drink extra virgin olive oil with lemon too! in the morning:)

Everything looks so delicious!

Well, thank you! I would have upload many photos , but I wanted to stay focused on those baby steps we must consider if we want to be healthy!! What do you think? Are they practical?:)

Yes. They really are. And I think that every good change counts.

Yes, you're right:)

Silvia dear, this article is very educational and indeed those who want to make changes in their daily food, have received practical and amazing tips. Beautiful photos and, I like your energy on the last photo. Well done!

Well, I have to inspire people right?:P If I could give them my energy, they would have fly by now !!! haha
Thank you, I really tried to write some good content, which is from my experience also.

I really like your blog @missdeli..thank you for sharing it..:)

Thank you Anna! My pleasure to share it with you:P

Following! I am new to steemit, looking forward to your posts! This was awesome! So simple & easy to follow, I think everyone should at least TRY to do this!

Ohh really? Thank you for 'following':) , I guess you'll see some more healthy stuff coming from me:p
Also I'm glad you consider my article useful:) Yes, if everyone would follow also some of these steps, they will be much healthier:)
Cheers and stay healthy !

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

Thank you:) Have a great day too and a healthy one!:p

All dishes looking awesome and delicious. I am also love healthy lifestyle.Thanku for bloging this uSeful information@missdeli.I also love bloging about fitness and healthy lifestyle. So i will follow you.please you will follow me back

Thank you @luckygupta! I'm glad you are taking care of your health and also, that you found my article useful for you. So, go ahead and blogg about health, it;s a good thing. Maybe you can help people and be an inspiration for them in order to motivate them getting healthier. :)


I need to eat and live healthy! I am going to follow you so that I will get motivated to live a healthy life.

Thank you @linlee888! Hope I would be really inspiring for you and motivate you, as you wish! At least, I'll try make good content on health for you, my followers and also Steemit Community!! Cheers:)

Thank you for that! I really like it! Question! As a nutritionist, what you think about gourmet mushrooms. Like this one in the photo, because they are a good source of protein and vitamins. Do you usually eat this type of mushroom?

Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom)

Hi! yes, I eat Pleurotus Mushrooms! I love them actually! I cook them very easily. Put them in a pan, add some butter or oil (small amount) and add salt and black pepper. Put them in sandwichies, stir fries, replacement for meat, bruschetta, etc! A lot of ideas.

They are delicious! very nice! The pink oysters are amazing too... They taste like bacon! Regads thank you for the post!

Thank you so much !! Got to know new things through your post , willl surely follow this routine !!

You're very welcome @balanthevar! I'm glad you find my article good for you! Keep steeming and take care of your health! Cheers

That was absolutely great information. @missdeli keep fighting. Wait your next post.

Thank you for your support! I'm a little busy but I'll try to post something new and health-educational today!

@missdeli visit my blog if you have a time please and support me in this steemit

Great tips! I would also add as well as eating more vegetables, eat more fruit! Fruit has very balanced nutritional properties that are in line with our bodies needs. Fruit is also hydrating and tastes super good as it is - the perfect fast food so to speak! I'm eating mostly only fruits and thrive from it!

Yes, you are totally right! Eating fruits as snacks it's also one of my favorite.. easy and within a second you got your snacks, your vitamins and fiber intake. Also hidrating, as you said. A lot of benefits....Glad you find whats optimum for you and your health. Keep up!

thank you for guiding us about the good health because health and wealth is the key factor in now a days life, dear i am new here looking for your great attention towards me thanks

You're very welcome! and you're right, these days health needs some more of our attention because all that unhealthy practices and lifestyle. :)

Incercam sa ne adunam toti romanii pe un grup de discord, unde intentionam sa dezvoltam tagul #promo-romania si sa crestem o comunitate frumoasa.
Hai si tu:)

Ok. Thanks for invite! Am dat join:D

I like the simplicity of your advice. Makes it sound so easy!

Thank you! They are pretty simple, you just have to be prepared to make those changes.