How to Leave Your Current Situation

in #health7 years ago

Many of us want to achieve our WILDest dreams!
well that's good,
we all need to do something with our time here

but at times it is easy, very easy!
to be discontent with our current life situation

we hate the car we drive,
our boss,
our current body figure,
our job,
everything to the last drop

We become a vortex of negativity
because we are unsatisfied that our expectations have been not meet yet

We are blinded with disgust
by ourselves and the circumstances we are in

This is an unresourceful way to come at achieving our goals and living our lives,
what we must do is appreciate our current circumstance

Now that word appreciate is through around a lot today,
and when I mean appreciate I mean love it
love your circumstance

to the point where you are having thoughts like

"today was so hard, but I am glad to be here able to do this, and I could already feel this hard work making me stronger"

practice the action of joy
focus your attention on it,
it is around you

because if you cannot build that now
well then I hope you don't achieve your goals
because if you do
it would be the most discontent day of your life

Focus on being Joyus
and you will leave your current situation
physically and mentally

Hope that helps.


You must be reading my mind @miguelfelix...I am going through this as we speak...Thanks for sharing :) :) Kayleigh

What's your specific situation @kayleigh-alesta ?

Well I was in an abusive relationship for over two decades...which I finally ended 2 years ago after my youngest was grown...I haven't worked in that whole time ..I was a stay at home I am on disability. ..and I am finishing up my move ..then going to go back to work and get off of disability. .I also gained alot of weight over the duration of my horrible my self esteem in kinda in the gutter but I started a new health plan ..or change a few days ago I plan on updating bi weekly on my posts ..I'm eating 80% plant based diet 20% chicken and fish and starting exercise plan slowly. .only doing what my body will allow everyday is a struggle but its a step in the right direction so I feel better ...I know and have faith that everything will fall into place ..because I'm working my butt off for it :) :) Kayleigh

@kayleigh-alesta that is amazing I am really proud of you :)
your story is very similar to my mother's
and what has kept her going is that faith you are talking about,
that faith that it will be okay at the end

she always tells me that life is work and I am sure you are feeling that right now, but
you are getting spiritually stronger every day because you are overcoming your challenging external circumstances,

at the end of this challenging journey you'll be able to speak wholeheartedly and with conviction to your children that they can also overcome their circumstances
and that'll be one of the greatest gifts you'll give them :)

Keep in touch, I want to hear the ending of your story (:

Thank You very much :) :) I'm so glad that was mother is strong with Faith and has overcome :) :) That badically is my platform as soon as I finish this move and have some time is telling my stories of abuse and healing.. journaling my weight loss and journey to a physical and mental wellness :) :) so more to come :) :) Thank You again for your kind words and encouragement......following:) :)