Quick and Dirty Supplement Guide

in #health8 years ago
  • Multivitamin
    • Good for general health, may not be needed with sufficient diet. Use low dose, watch out for excess iron. One a day.
  • EPA/DHA (fish oil)
    • Reduce Inflammation and triglycerides. 1 - 15 grams daily.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
    • Gets converted to EPA/DHA, better to just take fish oil.
  • Vitamin D3
    • Depends on sun exposure and ethnicity (darker skinned people need more). 1,000 - 6,000 IU daily.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
    • Supposably aids in fat loss (doesn’t really work). 3 - 6 grams a day.
  • Creatine
    • Increases strength, power output, and lean body mass. 0.03 g/kg daily (about 3 - 5 grams).
  • Beta Alanine
    • Buffers acid in your muscles, good for sets that last 60-240 seconds. May only be a small improvement.
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
    • Buffers acid. Improves high intensity exercise. 200 - 300 mg/kg.
  • Trimethylglycine (Betaine)
    • Reduces homocysteine levels, may increase exercise capacity. 2-6 grams per day.
  • Beetroot
    • Increase nitric oxide, may improve time to exertion. Juice a beet.
  • Citrulline
    • May increase anaerobic/aerobic performance, but not power. 6 - 8 grams 1 hour before exercise.
  • Glutamine
    • Helps with immune system. May cause growth hormone surge. Really only need if severely immuno compromised (burn victim). 5 grams a day.
  • Whey Protein
    • Increase protein synthesis, fast digesting. Varies but about 30 grams a day.
  • Casein Protein
    • Decreased protein breakdown, slow digesting. Varies but about 30 grams a day.
  • Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)
    • Increases exercise capacity and fat oxidation. May be overkill unless protein intake is low. 5 - 10 grams daily.
  • Leucine
    • Most important amino acid. Stimulates muscle protein synthesis. May have enough from food and protein powder. 3 grams daily.
  • Hydroxy-Methylbutyrate (HMB)
    • Decreases muscle damage. Use the free acid form. 1- 3 grams 30 - 45 minutes before exercise.
  • Glucosamine/Chondroitin
    • Good for joints, use sulfate form. 1,500mg/1,200mg daily
  • Curcumin
    • Anti-inflammatory, works well for joints. Use with piperine for better absorption. 80-500 mg daily.


Hemp Protein has all essential aminoacids and omega oils.

Its good to mix up your proteins. Hemp, pea, whey, casein, etc.