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RE: Finding a space where vegans and meat eaters can agree to differ, and still be friends

in #health7 years ago

The entire world seems to push us to find the things that seperate us, than to find the common ground. I am from the US amd we grew up hunting and fishing. We always had our own chickens that free ranged. No pens! If you don’t do something to control the deer population, this is also catastrophic. If you are going to eat meat, Venison is one of the best options.
Now I live in the Philippines. We have growing weather all year round and many people hungry and, believe it or not, naked. So we have a small farm where we grow our own food, and we give away a bunch too!
I feel much more healthy here. It is almost impossible to stay away 100% from GMOs anymore, with cross polinization, winds carrying seed.
I eat very little meat. Most of the time I prefer fruits and vegetables. And the result is better weight, more alert, amd just generally feeling better.

Eat as close to the original natural state as possible
Think of the environment every step of the way
I have goats, chickens and will have a cow and possibly a water buffalo. All roaming and enjoying life.
The goats are a ministry to the poor. Generally not for eating, but for milk, keeping the grass down and providing income and milk to extremely poor families.
Anyway! I do think we have many things in common. I have no anger ie animosity towards those who choose a different lifestyle as mine.
Interesting post!
Thank you


The entire world seems to push us to find the things that seperate us, than to find the common ground.

So true, and you've really summed up my whole point in one sentence.

The goats are a ministry to the poor. Generally not for eating, but for milk, keeping the grass down and providing income and milk to extremely poor families.

A very good point. When being able to eat meat is just not an option, as it is for many people, goat milk is a godsend.

Thanks for adding to the discussion.

I am not much for taking photos of my meals, but I did take a pic of my breakfast this morning. Thank you for working towards what unifies is.

I didn’t grow the rice!


Another aspect to this which relates to you - in a warmer climate, you can eat a much lighter diet and still be healthy. That's maybe an aspect not many people take into account. That breakfast looks lovely.

Very true! With all of the great and healthy food here, sad to say, most don’t eat a have a healthy diet.

That's a shame, when people don't make the most of their local resources.

There are things growing here that is pretty much free and available, if you live in the country, that you would pay a premium for in a health food store. Malongay, guiabano, guava. Guava leaves are great for making tea that is good for your stomach. Coconut water. The list is pretty long. But many only eat meat and rice?

I suppose people often don't value what is freely available. If you have to pay for it, it must be better!