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RE: ADSactly Personal - Optometrics: A new hope for legasthenia

in #health7 years ago

Beautiful and heartfelt post. I wasn't familiar with how much optometrics influences dyslexia. Your son is lucky to have you as his advocate ! My son was diagnosed with depression caused from how his school (Administration and Teachers) were treating him and very mild ASD. We only found this out through psychological testing after 2.5 years of constant struggle.

Explained in numbers
My son had to refocus about 400 times while reading a text with 100 words.

That really left a mark on me as it's the little things that make such a huge difference in our children's lives. My son struggles with physically writing. It is so tiring for him that after a short period he has learned through conditioning that it's better for him to give up and get an 'F' than to tell the Teacher he can't write, be reprimanded, and then punished. If he gave up then he'd only be punished once, in his grade. Sad story but these are likey much more common in our schools that we think!


I really believe, schools are one of the worst influences for children ever.
And I say that as a father of two and as a son of a teacher ;-)