Giving some attention to the millions of people around you, you will see a variety of emotions. You may see people who are miserable and mournful, then there are people who are extremely happy with their circumstances. Which one are you?
Happiness is definitely a choice. For some it might be a difficult one...
Here are a few tips to a happier life
- Fake it till you can feel it - Feeling down? Act cheerful and you'll find you'll feel truly cheerful.
- Anything is worth doing - Do new things all the time, it stimulates the brain. "Enjoy the fun of failure" and go for it.
- Exercise - Even when you're tired, be active, according to studies it is one of the most dependable mood-boosters.
- Don't nag - That's all to it. DON'T NAG.
- Be grateful - The things you take for granted can be taken away too easily, take my advice and be grateful for everything you have. Even the slightest things in life.
Thanks for Reading!
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Happiness is a State of Mind! And if you don't do what you Love, you will eventually find yourself out of that state.
So don't trade your own happiness for material goods, but gain material goods by doing what you Love which will eventually bring you Happiness!
Thanks for the great share @Megan35! Following now :)
For sure! Thank you so much!
yeah I agree with Cipriang.
follow me friends.
Pretty good advice, all in all. We can't always control our circumstances, but we do have a choice in how we respond and the attitude we take. Remembering to smile, be thankful, be kind and to keep moving forward in hope will see us through and make the journey a lot more enjoyable
The mind is such a powerful force, and you can literally think yourself happy...the fake it till you make it example epitomizes this thought . Thanks for the read, I enjoyed it :) Have a great day!
Good post i will now try to be more happy :D and cheerful
Good post)) Thank you for such useful information

Sound advice legend!
By default all living beings, humans included are programmed to be happy. In other words to be in sync with nature. While all other species remained in sync, humans chose to do their own thing as they had a choice to do otherwise . After a brief flirtation with the attractions of the world & still unsatisfied, the restlessness in humans gradually culminates in pangs of frustration. Under these circumstances, humans are either driven to seek solace in prayer or pursue other means to seek the eluding happiness! A case of closing our eyes & complaining of darkness.
At a more mundane & practical level though, the 5 tips which you have suggested are very pertinent to efficiently navigate through the chaotic traffic of life.
Very good advice
Brief and precise. Excellent!! Megan you earned my fellowship
Definitely something to think about!