from the nature link:"Editors’ note, March 2020: We are aware that this story is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus. "
virus is manmade is also very vague statement, viruses exist since before there are men. also research about coronaviruses is not new, but there has not been research before outbreak on the specific coronavirus that is covid19. coronaviruses are a family of viruses. there is no THE coronavirus, but before naming it, covid19 was kind of the elephant in the room. previous research on coronaviruses such as sars makes it possible to produce the vaccine in only 12-18 months, and we likely remain in this apocalyptic state for this time.
the initial outbreak is going to be worse, and the deathrate increases when the health system cannot handle with the number of cases, hence it is important that we dont over burden the healthsystem, so even if all of us very likely get the corona virus at some point over these 12-18 months, its best if we dont get it too early when everyone is getting sick. so eating healthy consistantly over longer periods of time, including through your nice cocktail seems beneficial, but not substitutional to washing hands, coughing in ur sleeve, avoiding human touch or proximity and not touching ones face...
That editor note was added after I made this post, so I did not comment on it.
The Dr. that wrote the US legislation on bioweapons which is now the world legislation on bio weapons, Dr. Francie Boyle, has gone on record saying that he thinks this virus was a leaked bioweapon from the same research that the nature piece referenced. 'scientists' is a vague statement and I'd say that from a non specialist standpoint, there clearly is evidence that the research that was noted prior to this outbreak IS connected to this outbreak - there just isn't absolute proof.
The problem here is that clearly, if this outbreak was the result of deliberate human engineering, then 'scientists' are going to deny it - since, like most of us, they tend not to like pitchforks and torches.
thing is china is also trying to twist it into the US bioweapon narrative, or US military facility in china being the cause of the outbreak. currently china is blaming US, while trump was so eager to blame europe (we live in the most strangest reality).
the earliest cases were all on the wetmarket in china (making it the statistical most likely source of outbreak point), and considering thats where sars also outbroke, china was very quick on closing down the wetmarket. see actions not words of china. on wetmarkets exotic animals from all over the world sit in small cages and shit on each other due to their cage setup, infecting other animals, and many of the animals there carry deseases because simply some of the animals are not meant to be eaten, yet wetmarkets are tolerated by the ccp since during mao zhedongs made famine, eating everything prevented further starvation so mao gave wetmarkets a thumbsup 5 star rating.
im not claiming that theres no way it was a lab designed virus, but im saying judging from the origin of the earliest cases and doing occams razor, the most likely explanation is likely the explanation, i find it hard to jump to that conclusion, but i suppose it its an asset in our possibility space.
occam's razor deliberately removes and denies details and attempts to judge reality. reality cannot be accurately judged.
a document was published on researchgate by a Chinese Phd student and then removed (in February) which showed that the research highlighted by and others was being done in a government facility that is 250m from the fish market in Wuhan (among other lab facilities also involved). I thought I had posted to steem and documented all of this but it seems the TRON situation distracted me and I never posted it all.
The research that has been highlighted came out of Maryland university, in conjunction with Chinese universities - so fingerpointing is totally out of place, yet par for the course with career politicians.