
I am usually a forum lurker so I haven't posted anything until now even though I still browse the forums regularly, so don't accuse me of being a troll just because I haven't posted anything until now. I am just relaying you useful information so that you will be able to make an informed decision on how vaccinations are a trustworthy and useful tool for people to use, instead of relying on a study that was made for money instead of being a legitimate study, relying on facts.

Miss, I kindly and humbly request that you refrain from putting labels on people. @freedeeznutz made some valid points and even linked his sources. Instead of countering his points you simply dismiss him by branding him a troll. Come on now Mary, let's keep it civil. Just because he completely shattered your argument doesn't mean you can ignore him.


What relevance does the length of my membership to this community have to do with the validity of my post? Once again you refuse to counter with an intelligent, well thought response. I would have thought a woman such as yourself with as many accolades and achievements as you would have continued this debate, not try to derail it.