
I agree with you, I do not wholeheartedly believe the CDC knows what they are doing, nor do I trust them. The only reason I used them as a source here is that the W.H.O and the CDC both had similar arguments​ about this case.

Thank you for sharing what you believe, glad to see you actually read it and gave feedback. I agree with you about the CDC​ and did not even know about the content in the link you posted, thank you for teaching me something.

It is good to know there are others such as yourself that can be open to conversation about this most important topic.

It is good you recognize the problem of allergic reactions and vaccines and since you referenced that as a problem I thought I would share my story.

Thank you for sharing this post with me, I NEVER get flu shots and when I was an infant I got the whooping cough vaccine, which is pertussis, I am allergic to that and I was in pain for three days due to this.

It was a horrific experience for my parents, have not been able to get the vaccine since, and I have been fine.

Vaccine ingredients nothing to be taken lightly. I am certain your parents were worried about your condition.

Alright, even if you don't believe in the cdc's information about this topic, let me relay to you some articles that may be more to your liking.

Here is a article describing how vaccines have no correlation with Autism, "The “anti-vax” movement lost all credibility in 2005 when The Lancet fully retracted the paper that first suggested a link between vaccines and autism after its findings were debunked."

Here is an article on misconceptions about vaccinations

This is an article about how effective vaccines are and how they are all FDA approved, and includes an example on how measles was basically eradicated because of vaccines.

Here is another saying that autism and vaccinations have no correlation

And if you are still skeptical about this here is an article with around 40 different studies on vaccinations and many of them come to the conclusion that there is no relation between vaccinations and autism.
The so called "study" done by Andrew Wakefield ( that proved vaccinations cause autism was completely faked, all of the data fabricated. Even then there are still some risks about vaccinations but the benefits completely outweigh them, the fact that we can eradicate diseases and such like polio, small pox, whooping cough is incredible, and the fact that people like antivaxers refuse to use these treatments is beyond me.

I like how much research you have done, thank you for reading and sharing.

Your post should shed some light on this subject.


I am usually a forum lurker so I haven't posted anything until now even though I still browse the forums regularly, so don't accuse me of being a troll just because I haven't posted anything until now. I am just relaying you useful information so that you will be able to make an informed decision on how vaccinations are a trustworthy and useful tool for people to use, instead of relying on a study that was made for money instead of being a legitimate study, relying on facts.

Miss, I kindly and humbly request that you refrain from putting labels on people. @freedeeznutz made some valid points and even linked his sources. Instead of countering his points you simply dismiss him by branding him a troll. Come on now Mary, let's keep it civil. Just because he completely shattered your argument doesn't mean you can ignore him.


What relevance does the length of my membership to this community have to do with the validity of my post? Once again you refuse to counter with an intelligent, well thought response. I would have thought a woman such as yourself with as many accolades and achievements as you would have continued this debate, not try to derail it.

Absolutely stunning comment, I have gotten some shill posting from this post. I am glad to see you and others like you have realized and done research to prove more on this topic.

Not to mention the fact that studies were done by both the CDC and the W.H.O. on half children with vaccines and the other half not vaccinated. Again no link was shown from vaccines causing Autism.

Thank you for your post, I love reading well-educated​ responses, with factual evidence to back up their stance.

Post note: I also do apologize for such a late response.