Many actions are done serving only a short term goal, not minding (or not knowing) long term consequences. For example, the Romans used lead pipes to transport water. Sometimes, there is inertia that does not allow change and finally there are special interest not allowing change. I deal with water purity in dialysis units and we are aware of the need for filters and reverse osmosis. On the other hand, humans did not evolve drinking pure, electrolyte-free, particle-free and organism-free water.
I think we are about to suffer the same fate as the Romans with all the added chemicals to our water like industrial fluoride and chlorine and the unintentional industrial pollution that can't be filtered out by our modern water systems.
I've read we used to get many of our needed minerals in our drinking water, I give mineral supplements to my family. Also our soil mineral count is depleted because of industrial farming practices. Most of our gut biome is replenished through healthy dirty foods and water. Now because of living in close quarters and produce huge amounts of human, industrial, farming waste, that must be processed has caused even more problems. Our water and sewage systems saved us from infectious diseases but the consequences of this unnatural system is still unknown. We are no full of unnatural chemicals and too clean. This has weakened our immune system and set us up for plagues...Bacteria and viruses adapt quicker to changing environments than humans...
It is amazing how information can be withheld from the public. I am a physician and it was only recently that I was made aware that glyphosate is a chelator of minerals and an antibiotic (on top of a herbicide). These properties do have implications for the body physiology. I also learned very recently about the radioactivity present in tobacco. These information is available if you look for it, but there is an effort to keep it hidden. understand the Glyphosate our gut bacterias schematic pathway? Not only does glyphosate leach minerals but it kills our gut bacteria that we need to protect our body and digest our food and produce chemicals that help us maintain a healthy mental state. I didn't know about radioactive tobacco, I will look it up... I love you @marcusantoniu, you have a great mind <3
I am honored to receive your love, @reddust. When I look for your posts every night, I am showing also my love.
Regarding radioactive tobacco, the sequence of events is as follows: Tobacco plants are fertilized with rock phosphates which contain isotopes of uranium and radon (and their decay products). Of these, the relevant for what we are talking about is polonium-210. This isotope emits alpha particles, which is the important thing to know. Alpha particles are relatively large and can be stopped with a sheet of paper, which makes them almost undetectable. The problem is that if you have a tiny polonium-210 particle stuck somewhere in the bronchial tree, the distance for the alpha particle to travel is short enough to reach any close cell nucleus and, therefore, potentially altering the DNA structure of a cell. These may explain the increased cancer rate in second hand smokers.
The information is really not too difficult to find. There has to be some basic knowledge and a drive to investigate the subject. Actually here is a reference from the US EPA
If you smoke 1 pack a day of cigarettes it is the equivalent of having 300 X rays in a year.