The Science of Being physically fit

in #health7 years ago

Yeap, That's me actually. It's the result of many long mountain walks, for years and the typical food of a city guy (burgers, pasta, pizza, and Mexican food). However, my cholesterol, blood pressure, body weight, and overall health are excellente for a man my age.
We live in a society that has made us believe that the ideal of beauty and health is that of Hollywood stars. If you're not Chris Hemsworth or Jennifer Lawrence, you do not have the right to love, money or even go out on the streets. But that's not true. You can be very healthy, attractive and happy even if you don't have a six pack or big breasts. The main reason for that is that health is our main indicator for a man or a woman to be beautiful.
The reality is that human beings, instinctively, are hardwired to be able to distinguish between a healthy person from another who is not. For both men and women, the most important thing is our anthropological ability to distinguish the indicators of good reproductive health: a smooth skin without spots, good height, a body with great capacity for movement and resistance to diseases.
Is it then necessary to have the healthy body stereotype that the media sell us? In my opinion, no. You can enjoy good health, be attractive and enjoy life just doing what you need and like to do. Those big muscles, and excessive worry about your body weight are totally unnecessary My ideas are based on the research carried out by NASA for decades, especially because of the physical conditions required for astronauts who must live in space for extended periods of time. They are also the product of my own experience as an athlete. Below I will give you some simple recommendations on how to achieve a healthy body without affecting your current quality of life:

1.- Do a physical activity that you enjoy and that is not competitive: do something like riding a bike just to relax, for quiet streets, either to go to work or shopping. Go for a walk every day for at least thirty minutes, just to look for your morning coffee or walk your dog. Go out to play volleyball, skate, jog, play basketball, any activity that gives you great pleasure and that is not mandatory for you to go to the gym. Cleaning the house, climbing stairs, gardening are also excellent physical activities that will not cause you much distress.
2.- Eat what you want! Do not stop enjoying a good plate of meat with potatoes, or hot dogs, fried chicken or desserts. What really matters is not the calories, but the frequency and quantity of the food you eat. My secret: eat slowly. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, I sit down for at least one hour, and no less than 20 minutes per dish. Use a stopwatch to measure your time at the beginning. Chew each bite about 20 times. This will give your brain time to "understand" what you are eating, and I assure you that within 30 minutes you will feel satisfied or even feel your stomach full. If after eating you are still hungry, wait for about 10 minutes. If after that time you want to eat, do it by repeating the same time intervals.
3.- Relax. One of the main factors causing our compulsion for food is stress. Before each meal, even the smallest snack, take a 10 minute break, you can listen to soft music, watch a comedy, or enjoy a landscape. Your body will need less carbohydrates or sugars because your fight or run response will be less stimulated, so you will not need as much insulin.
4.- Drink enough water during the day. In our brain, the centers of thirst and hunger are confused and what we think is hunger, is often dehydration. A tip: before each meal, drink a large glass of water. Wait 10 minutes before eating.
I hope these simple tips are the beginning of a healthier and more active life. I have followed them for 30 years with very good results, besides having saved me a lot of money on food. And of course, if you have any questions or want to know more about physical health, do not hesitate to do so through the comments section.