Shots!.... of Apple Cider Vinegar

in #health7 years ago (edited)

It's pretty crazy the amount of magical claims that drinking apple cider vinegar supposedly has. I've read that drinking it can make you magically lose a ton of weight, decreases your appetite, debloat you, help with digestion, reduce inflammation, improve your skin, and increase your energy. Sign me up! But wait.... there's one tiny downside. The taste is absolutely horrendous. And with those health claims and the issue with the taste, I have two questions.


My first question is when is really the best time to take the apple cider vinegar (ACV)? All the crazy weight loss articles say to drink it right before bed and it helps you "melt fat in your sleep" or something like that. But I'm really interested in the other benefits like helping digestion throughout the day, keeping you form being bloated, giving some extra energy, and decreasing your appetite. Which is why I think taking it in the morning sounds better because you wouldn't really experience a lot of the other benefits if you just take it at night.
My second question is how I should actually drink it? I see instructions everywhere to mix 2 tablespoons with 8oz of water (and some lemon juice and honey to "help the taste." HA... sure) but there's just no way I could sip on a glass of vinegar! So when I saw some people taking the ACV straight as a shot, I thought that would be way better... a kind of rip-the-baindaid-off method. BUT apparently drinking it on its own is bad for your enamel and esophagus because of how acidic it is.
So what I've started doing is trying to find a happy medium between those two by mixing 2 tablespoons of ACV with 2 tablespoons of water, some agave, and lemon juice (adding the water makes it too much for me to take in one shot so it usually ends up being two). So hopefully that makes it a little less harmful and acidic?
What do you think about ACV? Do you drink it? How and at what time of the day? Let me know!