You may want to look into that statement a bit more. The medical industry should be limited to setting broken bones, sewing up holes, and the like.
There are technologies that are safer, cheaper, and more effective than vaccines. Vaccines are archaic, and the ones being produced now are full of toxins. If we could fire the FDA, we could all be much healthier and more free this time tomorrow.
You are partly right, but your general statement is wrong. I"m not a fan of vaccination, but some vaccines are quite useful especially if you are at high risk for exposure.
A proper advantage-disadvantage calculation is necessary to avoid useless and maybe harmful side effects (ex: Pandemix -narcolepsy), but on the other hand take necessary vaccinations.
I know people suffering their whole life from a polio infection and that"s why my children are vaccinated.
I was injured by vaccines. I would avoid all vaccines at all costs, and find the better alternatives.
I avoid vaccins too especially flu vaccines, but everything is relative. Imagine you"ve got infected with rabies.
you're pathetic.
Who is more pathetic, the thinking person who is unafraid to make the effort and take the risk, or the slave who does what he is told and leaves the thinking to those who assume authority over him?
I solved double cancer in six weeks for under two thousand dollars. My brother, a few years older, with the same diagnosis, followed the advice of the 'professionals', and after three rounds of chemotherapy and several surgeries, which broke the family bank, has been dead for over two years. I'll take my chances with my intellect and knowledge.
If you are not interested in learning, then what are you still doing here, on my post, calling people names, and giving absolutely no argument except endless fallacy? You've presented no useful information, and I am beginning to suspect that you have none. So go away, and take your appeals from authority, appeals to popularity, genetic fallacies, and ad hominems and indict yourself, in public, with your inability, or unwillingness, to think for yourself somewhere else. Your lack of intellect is boring me, and wasting my time.
If you ever want to actually free yourself from the thought slavery, under which you are obviously laboring, Try the Trivium and Quadrivium and begin to sort things out for yourself.
I'm here because you say pathetic things :)
You bore me. Muted.
comon your idiocy is so funny!