I consider myself a "CIME"-- a Consciously Indifferent Meat-Eater.
I have a lot of admiration for vegans, honestly. I joke about not respecting them but it's an act. I don't really like the militant PETA-types, but I really do believe their heart is still in "the right place." So I try not to hold it against them too much. They're just fighting against what they honestly believe to be a tragedy. Just because I disagree with that premise does not mean I need to harbour ill will toward them.
Most vegans are probably better people than I am. I don't really have many arguments to back up eating meat. I like some of yours, but then.... I don't really adhere to "ethical meat" guidelines. So, we're back to square one.
It's just not a concern of mine. I have some other stuff to worry about, and eating meat is natural to me. No different than what predators do in the wild-- wait... it is, because they tear the flesh off their prey while they're still alive. Yikes.
I hope that doesn't make me a bad person, even if it makes me not the best person I could be.
CIME, lol. I don't think it makes you a bad person. I like that you have respect for others with different opinions. And your path in life is your path, and nobody else has any right to judge it. It may be that there are other more important areas for you to address.
I like to think all of us are trying to be the best person we can be, even if we fail over and over. Don't think I'm claiming to be some kind of saint. I don't always manage to be non-judgmental, especially if someone is wantonly cruel.