Natural common cold / flu remedies! Which is your goto formula?

in #health8 years ago

 As January drags on and even the hardiest of us begin to ponder the grim truth that the season will drag on until March, we’d like to take a moment to talk about one potential winter helper: the hot toddy.In its classic form, writes Barbara Rowlands for The Telegraph, the drink is served in a glass. It contains, she writes: “a shot of whisky (preferably malt), a teaspoon of honey and a dash of fresh lemon, topped up with boiling water poured over a silver spoon to prevent the glass from cracking.”

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In Singapore, we do not have the four seasons. Unfortunately we do share the common cold or flu season. I get the flu ever so often due to the lack of exercise and a weak immunity. During the flu season it gets worse. Going to the doctor for the common flu/cold became a chore for me so i often search for some natural remedies to help with my uncomfortable symptoms. 

 The Hot Toddy was my recent find and i am quite curious as it is a hot alcohol beverage which perked my interest. It is a concoction made mainly out of lemon, honey and WHISKY!! You can add spices to relief certain symptoms or to improve taste as the article mentions. I will be trying that next when i am burdened by my flu. 

There are however plenty of Natural Remedies that are popular:

Green Tea

Ginger / Ginger Tea

  • Has antivirial properties to fight flu
  • Can soothe symptoms

Vitamin C

  • Orange juice and such can help you prevent or strengthen your immune system against the flu virus


  •  Honey has antioxidants, antiviral and antibacterial properties, boosts the immune system and soothes sore throats and coughs. 

And many more:

So what works and what don't? check out this chart :

Article and picture : Source

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Picture : Pixabay

As an ethnic Chinese, my family and friends normally have only one goto source for natural remedy. That is the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). They use natural food, flowers and herbs to help with flu. I myself am not a regular TCM user but when i do, i cure pretty fast though. The reason i don't seek chinese medicine much is because some of the ingredients needs some time to prepare. You can also use acupuncture or cupping to help cure your cold/flu if these remedies don't help. Here are some articles if you are interested in TCM for the flu.

Check out these Steemians they have some remedies for you:






So please share your personal remedy

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vitC x 100 that's mine

haha nice!

This is my go to. It works for me every time, without fail.
This is my experience, and is not medical advice.

wow interesting. i hope more research can be put into this. thanks for sharing