Drinking Water... the Myths

in #health8 years ago

The body is not 90%, 80% not even 60% water

In fact none of the body is made of water... the body is comprised of fluid that contains water and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, etc.).

This includes Lymph, Blood, as well as fluidsinside andoutside the cells of your body.

Another Myth

Water will not flush fats out of your body as fat is water insoluable. Fats are eliminated elsewhere in the body with processes (or not), but not drinking water.

Water does not flush out toxins either...yup another body function does that through the kidneys and lymph.


You do not need to consume 8 glasses of water a day! That was perpetrated by water companies making BILLIONS off people buying bottled water... my God the brain control the media has.

Drink when you are thirsty...remember when we were little children (not Kids... that is another rant forlater)... we would go all day even in summer, just taking a sip ort wo from a hose or fountain... we did not die.

Also when you do drink add some electrolytes like lemon juice or cranberry.

It MakesYour Skin Healthier


Dry skin is a more a Vitamin A deficiency your skin, eyes, mouth all need fats and oils.... not water!


If you do drink too much water you could place your self in a state called "Hyponatremia" which is a condition where the electrolytes (like sodium) get too diluted (or flushed out), from drinking too much water and the bodies cells begin to swell. This can cause many problems up to coma, brain damage and death.

Now of course that is an extreme... but not too extreme as there isa name for it and yes medical procedures to rectify.

Drink When You Are Thirsty

Your body knows how to maintain a balance and it does it very well... we only need to listen to it more.

Image Credit: monicashealthmag, advancedlaserandskincare, huffpost

Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

I will drink to that!

The conclusions are great: drinking when we are thirsty, or in short, when the body demands it.

In fact, when one said that the body is made of water, my impression is that this is more an abusive form of language than anything else. There are indeed water molecules in one's body, as you said it, although strictly speaking, the water present in the body is not there under its usual form as mixed with other stuff in the body fluids. I really enjoyed reading your post. Made me thinking about something :)

I keep hearing that 8 glasses myth spread, including from some influential media fitness gurus. 2 to 4 litres is a lot! I assume you body will just dump any excess.

Yes it will dump it, but with too much other important stuff.

Well to be fair, we get lots of fluids out of food aswell.
Still better than soda though!

Exactly. Water is in everything you eat as well. You get enough water a day without having to excessively drink more than whenever you feel thirsty.

The only thing regarding water drinking that I try to think on is that I don't drink when I eat food.

That's what I try to think of aswell. Though throughout the day, I do drink plenty of water. Together with tea, it's the only thing I really enjoy drinking on a daily basis.

Nice post. There are even apps that remind you to drink water now...jeez. I am glad you have shed some light on the matter. Drink when you are thirsty sounds like good advice to me!

Source please- please say not Huffington Post ;-)

The image alone is from the Huffington post so do not stress.
Sources are 4 decades of experience in field as well as other sources along the way.

That is good to hear that you took this information not from such an unreliable source.

Many mumble years ago, playing rugby, at half time, you were lucky to get a small segment of orange for refreshment. The drink when you want to theory has kept me going so far. Great post, spread the word.