Challenges on making yourself a happier you

in #health7 years ago

We are surrounded by negativity on a daily basis. Our phones, computers and TV screens flooded with horrible news pertaining to the world around us, every day a new battle, a new sad story or a new disaster on the newspapers front page. Your mood becomes affected, even if you don't realize it. Waking up in the morning becomes more difficult and takes a lot more energy. You sit and wonder, How did it get here?! The truth is however really wonderful, THERE IS GOOD OUT THERE... YOU JUST NEED TO CONTRIBUTE TO IT! Here are some tips how to brighten up your, and if you like someone else's day.


Challenge 1 : Stop seeing the bad and start rewarding what is good

This sounds simple right? In all reality it should be but for some or another silly reason we humans love seeing what we, and others do wrong, we struggle seeing what has been done correctly. We don't see when our husband, wife or kids pack away the dishes or laundry (a good thing right??) but we see when they don't do it (oh and we do respond)
Try seeing the good rather than the bad and try rewarding it. Trust me, the more we recognize the good, the more it will happen!!

Challenge 2: Praise yourself

Same principles apply as to challenge 1. You are you, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are unique and you are the best version of you that there is and ever will be. If you don't believe that you are great, how should others think it?


After all, we are what we feel. I'm not saying life won't send you bad or challenging days. I'm saying yes it will, but notice the good you manage every day in between the struggles. Notice when you get something right.
When you finally master than new skill after it has been a challenging pain
When you are promoted or rewarded by others- YOU DESERVE IT
When you give someone else a compliment, how good they feel - and you feel good for making someone else feel good.
When you swerve to miss the bird or animal in the road - you saved a life.
When you get something right, even if it was unintentional.
And remember to motivate (I can do this) and be passionate (I know i will have a new skill after I complete this) toward yourself


Challenge 3: Wake up with a smile

A bit more tricky on some days than others, but easy to turn into a habit. Have a personal alarm wake you, perhaps a song that makes you feel good or a note on the bathroom mirror.

Challenge 4: Acknowledge what you have MORE than what you lack!

Its easy to get stuck in what it is that you want, or what you don't have. easy to be jealous of others because they have what you wan't. In reality, there is someone out there who is jealous of what you have, what they lack. Maybe it is time to admire what you have. You have eyes, to see, a nose to smell, you have a mouth to smile. You have nature, that surrounds you, even if you live in the city. Water to drink - something that is definitively taken for granted.

Perhaps you are beyond blessed, you have a house that you can call home, a bed and roof that keeps you warm and protects you, a husband/wife/child that love you or even a pet that cannot wait for you to get home after work.

I always find it amazing to see how nature always finds a way!


Challenge 5: Stop moaning and complaining

Just as we are what we eat, we also feel what we say.

Challenge 6: Ask instead of telling

Just as you don't like being told what to do- neither do others. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. This often opens the door for them to treat you in the same manner as what you treat them.

Chalenge 7: Love yourself and others

Eat healthy and sleep enough. It is true, sleep deprivation was and still is a form of torture.


If I don't love me, I am making t pretty difficult for someone else to love me


You have the power to go from GOOD to GREAT.... all you have to do is make the adjustment



Respect is not given it is earned.
Everything in life is circular, nothing only goes one way.


P.S. " Be who you are
and say what you mean
because the people who mind
don't matter
and the people who matter
don't mind" Dr Seuss


nice tips and great attitude for happiness. It's about laws of attraction. If you decide to be happy you will attract more happiness and happy people around you.

For sure. Energy definitively follows thought. The sooner we realize that we are in control of our own thoughts the sooner we will be in charge of our live's and happiness.