in #health6 years ago (edited)


Apparently, not only little children are meant to be afraid, stressful or angry, most times the adults are prone to this calamitous situations too, but it may not be all the time. As we are all humans, variation in situations is a necessity.

I think and hope parents should know if their child’s state of anxiousness suddenly changes, right? I included the latter because, I don't want you to find it sudden if you hear it somewhere that there are some parents who don't even care about their offspring to this extent; it is not there fault either but they are the type who are not vigilant. Then whose fault? I don't know either, let's say nature. Their work might be the cause, even their mental health, sometimes their upbringing. I'm just trying not to blame anybody here, if you think you are confident enough to say it, you are welcome in the comment box below.

These signs can never be hidden unless such parent is not vigilant enough. My thought though.

Typically, your child would express his/her fears and worries, in a way or several ways, even if he or she is trying to hide it, but knowing will segregate you from those unserious parents out there.

Unfortunately, some children won’t vocalize their worries, and anxiety isn’t always that obvious. But, with the actions, a watchful parent should be able to filter out the main issue.

Note-- When something just doesn’t seem right with your child, your first reaction as a good parent should be to check for his/her physical status (might have hurt himself somewhere). It’s your duty, as I see your child as an eternal investment. Once that has been taken care of, then you may wonder what the psychological cause could be. And, if you are unable to figure this out, there are several professionals who are dedicated to solve problems of this nature.
In this write up, I will be enlightening you on the topic written above, and will make sure I give solutions to each, I hope you finish it with patience.

Anger kill so many things, before bouncing on the society

Fear, stress, and anger are psychological health issues which I think should be treated accordingly before it explodes to something unacceptable. So many calamities befalling our society today are fueled by these bad acts. Now, to solve each problems caused, has been a dream which rarely come to pass.

How can we achieve this?

Yes, serenity is what we seek, and can be achieved. But, we have got to add our efforts.

Children anger can be tricky sometimes, as most children's priority is that; they need an instant attention whenever they are in need. Your caring abilities and utmost attention matters to them even if their actions aren’t right. Kids can be angry for so many reasons. So, don’t take this seriously, since i see it as a mere issue that do not warrant any uncalm attitude.

Anxiety is the bedrock, and needs to be eradicated


To solve this, you have got to be diplomatic. So, I don't mean you should unnecessarily pamper your child, while trying to make him happy, as this is dangerous not only to his future but yours too.

I would say anxiety can be the underlining reason or basis of anger. So, make sure you help your child through any situation that could pose even a pinch of anxiety in his/her heart.

A teen passing through so many difficulties through the fear instilled in him might turn him or her an agent of anger. This is an instance; a parent that pressurizes his child to meet a certain height in the quest to achieve greatness might be a disaster to the aspiring success.

How? Never, should you force your children, rather encourage and show them the right path to whatever they have chosen to do. The only you could do to achieve this is to table out the negativity and instill the positivity through frequent advice in a subtle manner.

Fear results in stress


When your body responds to any kind of demand or threath, that is Stress. For instance, a plant that often recieved water on a daily basis, suddenly witness drought, what do you think would happen? It becomes shrink, which reduce the beauty of such plant.

While it's not always easy to recognize the exact times when kids are stressed out, these are indications: acting out, mood swings, change in sleep patterns, and bed-wetting, to mention a few. Although they are short-term behavioural changes, but need to be attended to.

Some kids have troubles with the concentration of negativity marauding this world. They spend a lot of time alone or lack discipline completing schoolwork. By this, they might be withdrawn from social activities.



How can you help your kids cope with stress?

Good parenting: Proper rest and good nutrition are good tips to boost your child’s coping skills. Spare some few times with your kids each day. Sometimes kids just feel better when you are with them for fun activities.

Don't feel too BIG to get down on the floor, play with them or just discuss with them how they have spent their day. Please make yourself available all the time, they are your jewels

Be free! Talk with them concerning why they are feeling stressed. Together, you can come up with a few solutions by rubbing minds together.

You also can be of help by potentially anticipating stressful situations and preparing kids for them. For example, life challenges.

Remind them that some level of stress is normal; let them know that it's OK to feel angry, scared, lonely, or anxious, as other people share those feelings too.

Reassure them how important it is to be confident of oneself, urge them always that they can handle any situation that comes their way.

Stress results in anger


Your child is your duplicate. He replicates 70 percent of your actions. So, when you treat him nicely, he returns such behaviour to the society. And, if the reverse is the case, you see the best of madness in him.

I’m a fan of a quote which says; An angry man is a madman. Restricts your child from anger. And, whenever he or she tries to be angry, find a way to ease him or her.

Also, the more trouble you give him, the less he could withstand if being disturbed outside. We are humans, raise him as one!

A child who is under stress may overreact to minor problems, become clingy, have nightmares, and have drastic changes in his/her academic performance.

Don’t get scared; Here is the prevalence of mental illness in children

Yes! I do understand why it is normal to worry about your child, but, it is somehow mysterious when a parent give up so easily on a child who needs help.

The fact is; only about 10% of children and young adults suffer from a mental health issue. And out of those percent, only a small proportion will be a severe mental illness patient.

In order to achieve a positive outcome, it’s important for parents and caregivers to recognize the potential signs of mental illness, tricks to best-handle these childhood disorders when it’s emerging, and to know the appropriate places to seek treatment for the affected child, if the situation requires it.

If you discover any strange occurrence, even if you have recurrently noticed several signs. First, don’t panic, you are not the mental health professional. But, do visit your general practitioner or pediatrician for a consultation, along with your child. Table your concerns privately, and make sure most of your discussions are out of your child’s earshot.

If the case is out of his/her hand, If necessary, he or she will have to refer you to the appropriate care professionals. It might be a psychiatrists, psychologists, school healthcare staff, and other doctors or professionals to mention a few.

A Professional’s View


Mental health professionals advise that parents should not become overly concerned if their child displays one of these signs. The only solution is **Consultation with a specialist.

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Schizophrenia

  • Depression, and

  • Anxiety disorder

But the presence of two or more is alarming and may warrant a consultation with a psychiatrist.


Take Care...