Doctor Places Newborn In Mother’s Hands To Say Final Goodbye, Then They All Witness A Miracle.

in #health7 years ago


As her newborn son was handed to her, he was dying. All she wanted to do was tell him how much she loved him and hold him tight. But as she was holding her son in her arms, a miracle happened. Doctors and everyone who has heard this story were shocked.

Trying To Have A Family


As her newborn son was handed to her, he was dying. All she wanted to do was tell him how much she loved him and hold him tight. But as she was holding her son in her arms, a miracle happened. Doctors and everyone who has heard this story were shocked.

An Early Arrival


Kate went into labor when she was only 26 weeks pregnant. There was no stopping the birth, but it was too early to deliver. She was immediately brought to the hospital, and delivered her twins shortly after. Two minutes after her baby boy was born, she gave birth to his sister. That's when she realized something was wrong.

One Of The Twins Was In Trouble


When the doctors opened the sac and pulled out the little boy, he didn't make any noise. But the little girl gave out a big cry. When the hospital staff began crowding around her son, Kate knew he wasn't doing well. The baby boy wasn't breathing and his heartbeat was almost untraceable. It was when the doctors stopped after 20 minutes that Kate knew she would be getting bad news.

There Were Complications


Kate and David were approached by the doctor and asked if they had chosen a name for their son. They told the doctor that his name was Jamie. Then they were told the news that there was nothing the doctors could do for Jamie. He had stopped breathing because his lungs were underdeveloped. They parents would soon lose their son. Kate asked one question.

The only thing Kate wanted was to hold her son and say goodbye. “I wanted to meet him, and to hold him, and for him to know us,” remembered Kate. “We’d resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to lose him, and we were just trying to make the most of those last, precious moments.” That's when she saw a glimmer of hope.

A Little Bit Of Hope


Jamie began taking tiny breaths of air. Kate asked for everyone, except for her husband, to leave the room and she laid her son on her chest. “He was cold and I just wanted him to be warm,” said Kate. As she unwrapped Jamie, she asked her husband to take off his shirt and climb into the bed. She would fight for her son.

A Gasp For Breath


“We were trying to entice him to stay. We explained his name and that he had a twin that he had to look out for and how hard we tried to have him,” recalled Kate. All of a sudden, Jamie gasped and he opened his eyes. Kate felt him breathing, and then little Jamie grabbed onto his dad's finger. That's when they called for the doctors.

Absolutely A Miracle


Kate told the doctors about Jamie gasping, but they told her that they were just reflexes. They said that he was dying and needed to be taken away. Luckily, her maternal instincts kicked in and Kate took a few drops of breast milk and brought it to Jamie's mouth. It was a miracle! The baby quickly sucked it up.

An Unbelievable Recovery


The doctors examined Jamie a little closer, and soon realize that Jamie was breathing better. They immediately began to help stabilize him. Kate and David were crying from happiness. “We feel so fortunate,” David said. “We’re the luckiest people in the world.” Even though he looked better, doctors were worried that Jamie would have health complications.

Not One Problem


“The biggest concern they had was cerebral palsy because of the lack of oxygen,” Kate said about the doctors' worries. But Jamie was just as healthy as his sister Emily was. Several years passed and Jamie hadn't had any serious medical problems. And when their fifth birthday came around, Kate and David told the twins about their amazing birth.

An Untold Story


They were surprised to find out that Emily would be the one most affected by their miraculous birth story. “Emily burst into tears, she was really upset and she kept hugging Jamie,” said Kate. Jamie coped with the news very well. But there is one person who loves the story so much, he wants to tell it to everyone.

And One More Makes Three


Jamie and Emily have a younger brother named Charlie. Even though he is three years younger, Charlie loves to tell stories about when they were babies. “He'll say: ‘When I was born I was fat and the twins were skinny. Jamie was also dead but now he is alive’,” explained Kate. It may be funny to Charlie, but David and Kate will never take that moment for granted.

A Grateful Gesture


Since the Ogg's knew that Jamie's survival was a miracle, they've decided to pay it forward. The family set up Jamie's Gift, an online community that raises funds for sick and premature babies through the Miracle Babies Foundation. Sports events, like the one David recently trained for, are sometimes used for fundraising!

All For A Good Cause


In an effort to raise funds and awareness for their organization, David signed up for an Ironman triathlon in Port Macquarie. “He will put his body through a grueling 3.8km swim, 180km bike, and a marathon,” said Kate. All that hard training is a small price for being able to have their miracle baby with them.