A health secret not to miss - marigold/calendula what potent blossoms

in #health6 years ago

Calendula Marigold.jpg

Today we are thrilled to share with you the medicinal properties of calendula, also known as marigold.
The calendula herb was named since it flowers on each new moon. The botanical name is Calendula officinalis. Calendula is an annual herb that has showy, daisy-like flowers that are orange or yellow. Calendula flowers are not only beautiful, but they also contain potent substances which can enhance our wellness. The blossoms were already utilised by Arabians and by Indians in medications and today; the brightly coloured flowers are grown throughout the world. Marigold blossoms can be used in dishes and for medicinal purposes.

Health & nutritional benefits
Calendula has outstanding health benefits and can help with a variety of health issues. However, it is particularly famous for remedying skin issues.

Calendula extracts are known to have anti-cancer effects, especially in respect of leukaemia, melanoma, fibrosarcoma, breast, prostate, cervix, lung, pancreas and colorectal cancers.
The blossom extract is used to treat scorpion bites and bee bites. Calendula helps stop bleeding and constricts blood vessels as it is inflammatory.

Calendula tea can be prepared for treating ear infections. Calendula tea is utilised as an eyewash for sore, reddened eyes. Furthermore, the tea can be used to help with digestion, and enhance immunity, detoxify the body and modulate the menstrual cycle. Calendula helps in healing wounds, such as cuts, bruises, abrasions and minor burns, including sunburns. It also helps against insect bites, diaper rash, and sunburns. Calendula is applied to help improve acne, psoriasis, and eczema. It helps with scalp disorders, such as cradle cap. Calendula is utilised in ointments to treat vaginal itching caused due to menopausal tissue changes. Calendula ointments can be used to treat chapped lips, bedsores and also shingles.
When taken orally, calendula helps to soothe stomach ulcers and inflammation. It is also very efficient in fighting boils, abscesses and even recurrent vomiting.
Marigold stimulates blood circulation and induces sweating and thereby decreases fever and body heat.
The blossom forms a part of many cosmetic creams that help in decreasing the appearance of wrinkles since they help moisturise and hydrate the skin.
It is also utilised to treat capillary engorgement, chronic ulcers, and varicose veins.
It is widely utilised as a cleanser for the liver, the gallbladder along with other organs.

Cooking Tips
Add one heaped tablespoon of dried calendula blossoms in a warm cup of water. Allow them to infuse for about fifteen minutes.

The FDA hasn't assessed the statements. The information is provided for informational purposes only. It's not intended to substitute medical advice or diagnosis by your doctor or other medical professionals. These herbs and products aren't meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness. Please always consult your healthcare professional.