Does smoking or drinking damages your health ?

in #health7 years ago

Studies show that using cannabis at a very young age can effect brain development.

Smoking causes damage to the lungs, alcohol causes damage to the liver but if it is a small amount the body can detoxify itself. Once a week, you’re giving your body time to flush it out of your system.

Some people smoke one time and it can cause a genetic mental illness that may have lain dormant to fire up. (Using meth is nearly 100% sure to trigger any underlying mental illness to surface)

I personally think weed is safer than alcohol. Obviously abstinence is the best choice

However, I smoked heavily beginning at 17 and I did not effect my intellect or my ability to study, focus and achieve. It was demotivating though, I grew out of it. It’s kinda a young person thing to do.

I am surprised that someone so young has access to weed, I worry about the environment you are in. If you have to be surrounded by criminals or addicts or dead beats to get it, that environment is a slippery slope to zero.

I do suggest abstinence because of the risk of addiction or increasing heavy use but I also suggest abstinence from alcohol for the same reason. Not one person i know is taking that advice.

If you know the risk of addiction or misuse is there, watch yourself very carefully. If it begins to be the only way to wind down or escape worry or feel confident or relaxed, then you have identified a warning sign that addiction is brewing and please do then get some help or stop.

I don’t drink because I am irresponsible with that drug. But most are fine, not me it appears.

If I do smoke it’s on a very rare special occasion, as I also am aware that regular use is irresponsible.

Don’t be too scared by the other answers, once a week is considered “low use” just be aware that all drugs (including food) have the potential for miss use. And once addicted = that drug will be controlling you and it’s excruciating to stop.

Let it go too far and it will destroy your life and the lives of the people who love you.

It’s good that you asked, it shows that you know that there is a risk factor, 15 is a bit younger than most discover marijuana and this could be why we are urging you to stop.

It would be better if you could stop using until you are older as the studies do show the younger you are the more it could effect brain development: you might want to google that for more info.

To sum up, a tiny bit is a small risk, there is no use with no risk. I suggest you stop at least until you are older and your brain isn’t still forming (science says your brain continues to develop until you are 22)

But then I see my young friends having fun and I remember how much fun I had when I was their age.

I’m glad of every minute and I wouldn’t want to tell them they couldn’t do it.

One day you’ll be older and have so many responsibilities that you won’t be able to go crazy because people are relying on you. This is also a good feeling! To be able to positively impact others lives.

Being a good dad will be the most important and rewarding thing you’ll ever do, but it’s hard work, and you won’t be able to get drunk and smoke weed.


Hi Kirankumar

Very good post on health
I also hate smoking it is very bad for our
and our children health so go Green
and enjoy life Do follow me @maujmasti

Yeah, Go Green and Enjoy Life.
And Of course I did followed you back

Thanks a lot lets join today also
have a nice day ahead bro

Go go green

Yo! Go Green.