Ayurvedic Tips: Use of Hemp(Cannabis) in various Diseases.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Indian Hemp is famous all around the world. It is only used as a psychedelic drug. But none of you actually know how good hemp in different diseases.

Hemp's scientific name is Cannabis Sativa L.

Chemical composition

A soft red resin of cannabis, which is called cannabinol, is found. Some grounded substances in cannabis are also found in sugars, avian oil and calcium phosphate etc.

Some uses of Hemp in different disesese:-

Ear pain

By employing 8-10 drops of ginger, insects die and the pain of the ear is eradicated.


 cannabis is very good for insomnia. It is also good in  coagulation or a headache.


 1) Scratching the leaves of cannabis and finishing the head pain

 2) It is relieved by adding 2-3 drops to the ear by heating extracts of its leaves.  


 Hysterea relief is given by giving 250 mg of cannabis with asafetida or with 65 mg of dry essence asafetida.


It is cured by apply the cannabis juice to head. 

Tuber Clausius


1) Baking 125 mg of cannabis, 2 grams of black pepper and 2 grams of sugar candy  works. 

2) Smoke of cannabis helps in this disease 

These are some uses of hemp. If you have any queries then comment ,I will try to find the Ayuvedic cure for that particular diseases in future. 


Cannabis is a very versatile plant.
From now on, various uses will be discovered.

Are there records of the use of cannabis in ayurveda, or have I misunderstood the post and the connection b/w the herb and ayurveda?

cannabis is a useful medicinal plant, people in ancient India used it in cure for different diseases @riverflows

Cool, I'd love to read some literature on that - do you have any links I could check out?

nope, I have an old book at my home, I pick this from that book. If you know more about Ayurveda and all these stuff I will definitely post a daily tips @riverflow


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This post is resteemed and upvoted by @bestboom

I know CBD. I relieved my headache.
I followed you and upvote.

thanks a lot but only try for medicinal purpose don't be addicted to this. God Bless You @hiradate

Love the info. Great job.
I grow to make lotion not the crap they sell but lotion made by putting the natural minerals back into the skin. But i have done tons of research and check out this old post i did. Gives great info
![20180226_090439.jpg] ()
My last harvest