What is a ministroke or TIA?
A ministroke is also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). It occurs when part of the brain experiences a temporary lack of blood flow. This causes stroke-like symptoms that resolve within 24 hours.
What happened is this: I was standing in my back yard drinking a cup of coffee, chatting with my neighbour over the fence. All of a sudden I felt lightheaded and I noticed the coffee tasted very strange, sort of metallic. Right after this I felt the left side of my face go numb. My bottom lip mostly and also a little bit of my upper lip. The tips of my left thumb and two fingers went very numb and started to tingle.
I panicked. I remember I yelled out "Something is wrong!" and I ran into the house and opened a bottle of aspirins. Pills spilled all over the floor. I grabbed two and stuffed them in my mouth and chewed them. My face already felt normal again. My wife was there and had me raise my arms over my head. I was able to speak clearly and my face looked fine. There was no pain anywhere. It was over as quickly as it started... the total time for the entire episode was no more than a minute.
(Here's a picture I took of some flowers. It has nothing to do with the story, I just think every post needs an image.)
It has now been a day since this happened. Everything is fine except for the fact that I'm scared half out of my wits. I was afraid to fall asleep last night. Cathy has been watching me like a hawk. I see her staring at my face every few minutes. I didn't call the hospital because I figure they already have too much going on, and honestly a hospital is the last place on earth I want to be right now. I did talk to a friend who is a nurse, and she was familiar with this type pf event.
I tested my blood pressure and it is perfect: 116 over 75 with my pulse rate coming in at 50 beats per minute. I always have a nice slow heart beat. I'm generally in pretty good health right now. I've lost weight, and I've had my blood tested recently, and everything was fine. There isn't much else to tell you... I'm still very freaked out today. I walk around with a bottle of aspirin in my pocket.
I wonder if this was just a panic attack triggered by fear of covid-19? I hope that's all it was. Thanks for listening.
Oh no. Make sure you get lots of rest and take it easy, Keith.
Thank you, Pryde. I'm trying.
Meditation is always good for what ails you.
That's a good idea, thanks :-)
I hope it was just that.
My mum had something that everyone thought was a stroke too, but it was some nerve inflammatory or something (not sure how to call it in English). The symptoms were stroke alike too and looked like half of her face got numb and dropped. So everyone panicked too and the doctor and nurses were acting in high speed. But luckily it wasn't. She is fine now and all went back to normal.
Stay safe Keith!
Thank you. It sounds like your mum may have had Bells Palsy. My wife had that years ago, and while it went away, it did leave her with one eye which is slightly droopy. You stay safe as well !
Thank you, @pixresteemer!
Howdy sir Keith! Wow that's scary indeed. Did your nurse friend think it was a micro stroke like you described? And what causes a temporary lack of bloodflow?
You guys on total lockdown up there?
My friend thought it could have been. I'm not sure what causes this. We're shut down pretty good here, most businesses other than grocery stores and pharmacies seem to be closed. The border with Washington state was closed a couple of weeks ago which is good since Seattle is such a hot spot. Ferry services have been scaled back so it takes a little longer to get off the island but you can still travel if you need to.
I heard tonight that new cases and the number of people in hospital are decreasing so perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel. How's things in your area? I hope you're staying safe and haven't caught this thing!
Howdy today sir Keith! Well, down here the numbers are still going up but I think that's because most people are ignoring the stay at home order. Plus no one is wearing masks.
So obviously as easy as this thing is to spread because half the people who are infected don't know it, then you have to stay away from others. I think we're gonna learn the hard way.
We live out in the country and I almost never go anywhere so my lifestyle hasn't changed but Mrs. J is a guard at the county jail so she has to go to work. But no one is being tested. We probably both had it already or are still carrying it!
Sorry to hear your wife still has to work. This is what we've got going on here in British Columbia at the moment. This seems to be "the curve" that they're always telling us about. I sure hope the trend continues. It bothers me that hardly anyone is getting tested... it means there could a ton of cases we don't even know about.
Well that looks encouraging but you are right about the testing. It's the only way to stop this thing by finding out who is carrying it with no symptoms.
Here is an interesting video that tells how to stop this thing cold by doing 4 simple steps, it's only 11 minutes and is at the end of this article:
I might do a quick post about it.
That is amazing news about Ivermectin! I started searching for more info and it is being reported on dozens of websites around the world. From what I'm reading this stuff is effective against everything from head lice to HIV, West Nile virus and even Leukemia... and costs 12 cents per dose. Here's what I want to know... what is that Niacin, Thiamine, and Riboflavin crap they add to corn flakes, and why can't we replace it with Ivermectin???
Howdy today sir Keith! That is very interesting, you did more research and all was very encouraging information! This could possibly be the cure but I don't think they've used it on humans yet have they?
Dang, 12 cents a dose!
Yeah, they could be adding great stuff to cereal for as much as the darn stuff costs!
I can only imagine how scary that was for you. Thank goodness it all turned out okay for you. It may be a warning sign and it can't hurt to at least inform your Dr. if only by phone to let them know.
Thank you, I'm still worried.
Keith, take care of your self! All the best!
Thanks a lot, Dave
Oh dear, thanks god it is over and you are OK. Take care!
Thank you, I hope so...
I’m glad you are ok. Stay safe out there.
Thanks, Wes, I'm doing my best.
Hey Keith. I'm glad to hear that everything is OK after this incident. Take it easy and look after yourself🙂
Thank you, I'm trying to take care.
Gosh! You had a lucky escape!! Lucky!
Take lots of garlic oil capsules and some lecithin soft capsules too! I used to supply these two supplements to a monk who had high blood pressure and was very likely to have this symptom, as he began to complain about headache. Now He has been in much better shape than before; he also lost some weight.
You need some fish oil too or eat lots of fish!
Take care.
Thanks, I'll look into that. I already take fish oil, omega3. I'm walking ever day, losing weight... Just checked my BP again and got 123/74. I don't know... still really freaked out.
Yap! I had something similar twice several years ago!
The thing is to get the blood vessels very flexible and not too hardened by all the ‘old fat residuals or accumulated particles which are stuck to vessels).
A few years ago, a perfectly healthy man was running in the health club. He suddenly died on the spot. Later, the doctor found out that the hardened bit(big shunk) fell off his blood vessel and got stuck or blocked the vessel, so his heart didn’t get blood supply! He was very healthy and fit; a similar case also took place on the golf course!
So, take lots of herbal stuff to get rid of these hardened bits slowly!
I think you’ll be fine. It’s just a friendly warning signal! Better to know about what could be coming and be on the defensive measures.
Thank you again, I appreciate your advice!
You’re welcome!
Take care.
I hope this turns into one of those strange experiences that is only a distant memory in the coming months. Best wishes getting through these strange times.
Thank you very much, I hope you're doing well.