Daily Challenge Complete - 299 reps ( knooooooow... I only needed 1 more!)
Workin' them wheels
Back Squats - 4x10
Lunges - 4x10
Leg Press - 4x10
Single Leg Step Ups - 4x10
Leg Extensions - 4x12; 1x25 (go to failure, strip weight, repeat)
Hammy Curls - 4x12; 1x18 (go to failure, strip weight, repeat)
Leg day!!!!! I need to do this more often :/
If you were at 99 reps, I wouldn't have let it slide, but 299>300 is understandable (sort of). Ha.
hahaha I was soooo close. If I knew how close I was to hitting 300, I probably would have squeezed out more reps on the Leg Extensions or Hamstring Curls... which I suppose means I didn't actually reach failure lol.
Heck yeah, Leg Day is my favorite! Get it!
I've been doing more running to workout my legs. I still have chicken legs! LOL