Tea is Amazing! Some Of the BENEFITS of Tea!

in #health9 years ago

Tea is the second most popular drink next to water! Who knew!?

I love having iced lemon tea during the summer! With a Green tea packet in it, To give a caffeine/health boost! And a nice hot, sleepy time tea or yogi Detox tea before bed. Leaving me hydrated and warm. For a nice peaceful sleep. When I drink tea I feel connected with nature, Which is something I cherish when I'm forced to live in a city, Around concrete.

Tea can warm you up or keep you cool!

Did you know that numerous varieties of tea also have health advantages?
There are numerous different types of tea, like white tea extract, green tea extract, yellow tea extract, black tea extract, and oolong tea extract.

The kind of tea created from this plant depends solely on the way the leaves are prepared after harvesting. Different processing methods give tea leaves through the same plant, different flavors, and smells. Even though all tea is actually coming from the same plant!

Oolong tea

Can help you burn fat, It's also full of vitamins, And also has a kick of caffeine. It is full of the benefits you usually see in tea, Like antioxidants, Protects against tooth decay, and also improves mental health.

Black tea

Black tea has the most caffeine over all the teas. With approximately 40 milligrams of caffeine per cup. Black tea also has at least two different antioxidants. Although because Oolong and black tea are more processed they have less than green tea. Black tea also goes through a completely different process, The leaves are rolled then heated.
For centuries, individuals have been brewing different mixtures of tea for both flavor and healing intentions. Most people know to grab some tea to make themselves feel better when they are sick.

Green Tea

Green tea can help prevent cancer and heart problems. This tea is lesser processed and is better for you! This is definitely the most popular tea, and you hear about it all the time! They have it at popular places like Starbucks and at gas stations. Many hotels even give you some packets!

White Tea

With its several proven health advantages, is the ultimate multi-tasker of teas. It isn't processed. It's flavor is weak which can be hard for some people.

Herbal Teas

There are also herbal teas. They don't have as many antioxidants, but they can have very specific health benefits. There are fruity teas that are great for some added flavor.

  • Ginger, Jasmine, Rosehip,
    There are a lot to choose from.

If you are sick with something specific, you can treat the illness with some teas. If you have a cold Peppermint tea can help you get better!

Slimming tea

While drinking any tea is good for your body! There are many to choose from, Depending on how much flavor you like. I prefer Black Tea, but I try to drink a lot more green tea too! Teas have antioxidants and other health benefits. It also can replace your morning coffee. You can add honey, Sugar or other fruit to give it more flavor.
If you don't know what kind of tea you like, It can be expensive to buy a bunch of them at the store. I found this assortment pack on Amazon, you can try a huge variety get it here

There are teas for every occasion!

Thank you Pixabay for the photos


great post! i'm a tea addict!

heheh yay :)

We love tea too! We grow lots of herbs, so we dry them for tea & smoking blends.

I drink tea just because I like the taste.

The other benefits just make me feel better about drinking so much of it.

Thats good ;) I prefer more sweet drinks but I've been drinking more and more of it too!

You can always sweeten your tea a bit by adding some honey to it.

There's also sweet tea, but that's more akin to sugar syrup with a splash of tea in it.

Got schooled at Teavana few months back. If anyone has tea allergies or just wants to learn about all the different tea options and taste a sample or two, that's the spot. Was in there an hour.

I'm have light allergies to black tea so had to find one that would work for me but was clueless...not anymore :-)

Aww man! You sound like you are allergic to everything hehe. First dogs now tea hehe.

I think I might be allergic to upvotes...hehehe! ;-) Nah, add pineapple to the lists and I'm done with the allergies.

When I was a little kid, the first time I drank tea, I remember saying. 'Boo, it is just hot water...' Now I cannot not having my green tea every day :D
NB: I don't really understand the candle image on the top of your post though!

Hehehe thats good!!
I used candles because they are relaxing.

I love tea and enjoyed your post!

I drink green tea almost every morning. I call it brain food :)