Is the government, Trying to kill us?

in #health8 years ago

Yep, I'm back on the fluoride subject again.

What are the health effects of Fluoride?

  • Doesn't prevent tooth decay
  • Damaged sperm and increased infertility
  • Disrupted immune system
  • Muscle disorders
    -Increased tumor and cancer rate
    And more... Fluoride is BAD for us. Not good for us.

What started the Fluoride in the U.S. ?

In 1945, Scientists believed that after seeing some evidence. That area with more fluoride intake had fewer cavities. As a result, They encouraged it to be added to drinking water.

What countries put fluoride in the water?

Here is a chart I stole off the internet on who fluoride our water.

Countries that Fluoridate their Water

Country Number of People Drinking Artificially Fluoridated Water % of Population
(SOURCE: British Fluoridation Society; November 2012)
Canada 14,260,000 44%

Israel 5,270,000 70%
Libya 400,000 22%
Malaysia 20,700,000 75.5%
Serbia 300,000 3%
Singapore 5,080,000 100%
South Korea 2,820,000 6%
Spain 4,250,000 11%
Chile 11,800,000 70%
Fiji 300,000 36%
Guatemala 1,800,000 13%
Guyana 45,000 62%
Hong Kong 6,968,000 100%
Irish Republic 3,250,000 73%
New Zealand 2,330,000 61%
Panama 510,000 15%
Papa New Guinea 102,000 6%
Peru 500,000 2%
United Kingdom 5,797,000 11%
United States 194,206,000 64%
Vietnam 3,500,000 4%
Argentina 3,100,000 19%
Australia 17,600,000 80%
Brazil 73,200,000 41%
Brunei 375,000 95%


Total 369,656,000 5%

What Is Fluorosis?

When you consume accessive amounts of fluoride, It can cause white and brown spots on your teeth. Many children consume way too much Fluoride. And it causes these spots. It's in our toothpaste, Our water, and even our freaky food!

Our FOOD Has Fluoride in it!

I had no idea about this until now; It turns out that. Non- organic foods are full of fluoride because of the pesticides in the food!

There have been studies that have shown, that there are no effects on cavity prevention. So why are we eating, Drinking and brushing with Fluoride? It makes no sense.

  • You can avoid the Fluoride by purchasing organic food!

How To Avoid Fluoride

You can avoid Fluoride in a couple of ways, But unfortuneately if you live in a country that puts Fluoride in your water, It can be difficult to completely remove it.

Buy organic

Consider a high quality filter

Getting a high-quality reverse osmosis filter can help get a lot of the nasty fluoride out of the water. It won't remove all of it, But it will remove quite a bit.

Bottled water won't save you.

Yes even bottled water has fluoride. Even if it doesn't mention it.

Look for toothpaste WITHOUT Fluoride.

This is actually harder than it sounds, I remembered when I first wanted to make the switch, I had trouble finding any toothpaste that didn't have Fluoride, Then finally I found it.
Here are my favorite brands.
Cinnamon Toothpaste
Seafresh Toothpaste

Take Vitamin D

While this won't decrease your Fluoride exposure, It will still allow you to protect yourself from cavities. So go out and enjoy the sun,Or take supplements. Or a little of both :)

Move to another country.

This isn't reasonable for everyone, But if you were thinking about doing it anyways, Try to move somewhere without the Fluoride.

It's unfair that governments do this.

We have a right to decide what should go into our bodies, If you want to give your children fluoride, That is your choice. But having it be forcefully put in our water is unfair.

They can't even control how much we are getting, Someone who drinks more water may be consuming a lot more. It could cause them to get sick, And for those of us who can't avoid a filter or move out of country, are kind of stuck. We HAVE to drink water.
If it's "So good for our teeth." Why the hell ARE WE SWALLOWING IT!
I'm a little more understanding towards mouth washes and such. But having it in water? Imagine the damage that is happening on the inside.


Went to the doctor yesterday, he told me my gums had receded and the nerve was exposed on one of my teeth. I asked what I was deficient in for this to happen, he told me fluoride. I just about got up and walked out. He said that fluoride will coat the exposed nerves and protect them. I told him I've spent yr's and a lot of money keeping fluoride out of my system and he asked why. I told him. "If you have to ask we probably shouldn't have this conversation." He agreed. The aragonance of these educated idiots is almost more that I can handle sometimes. The worst part about going to any doctor is dealing with the I'm smarter than you attitude. "I went to school for X amount yrs and spent $100,000 + to be brain washed and you call me an idiot." Ask any of these educated idiots about something natural and your immediately branded and scorned.

OMG exactly! It's so true! It's sad that they still believe that crap.

The key point I like to remind anti-fluor activists is to stop calling it fluoride. Fluoride is an element, and the thing that is used by dentists (topically ONLY of course), while hydrofluorosilic acid is a toxic waste product, and is what municipalities put into water supplies. Just one more example of the use of euphemisms to keep people from realizing what is actually happening to them.

Omg! So what do we call it? I love your comment. Why didn't I think of that !?
I personally call "Cement" that is already on the sidewalk. "Concrete" because thats what it is.
But i wasn't yet aware of the Fluoride situation.

I'm glad to see the two of you are aware of this problem. I want to specify something.

Fluoride /ˈflʊəraɪd/,[3] /ˈflɔːraɪd/[3] is an inorganic, monatomic anion of fluorine with the chemical formula F−. (wikipedia)

Fluorine is the element. Fluorine is present in the human body. It's the top 13 most present atom by weight. Like @kennyskitchen said one of the most used type of fluoride fed to people is hydrofluorosilic acid which is very toxic itself but is also filled with contaminant such as lead and arsenic. This isn't hidden.I provide a link to the below stating just this but they state that the contaminant level are very low.

I would never ingest nor brush my teeth with fluoride whether it be food grade fluoride or fluoride coming from the toxic waste of the phosphate fertilizer industry.

I've read way too much on the subject to risk ingesting more fluoride than there is already everywhere. Here's just a tiny bit of what I read.

Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal | Reuters

In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.


WASHINGTON, DC, August 30, 2005 --/WORLD-WIRE/-- Eleven EPA employee unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals of the Civil Service have called for a moratorium on drinking water fluoridation programs across the country, and have asked EPA management to recognize fluoride as posing a serious risk of causing cancer in people. The unions acted following revelations of an apparent cover-up of evidence from Harvard School of Dental Medicine linking fluoridation with elevated risk of a fatal bone cancer in young boys.

$750,000 Given In Childs Death In Fluorine Case (New York Times)

You went above and beyond with this. I wish I could upvote more than once haha. Thank you for explaining what it is. I'm glad I know the proper term now. Lol. I seriously love how intelligent the Steemit community is. That case is terrifying! We really need to do something about this!

Personally I always say "hydro-fluoro-silicic acid", because that is the actual compound that is being used, and it gets around the cognitive dissonance that folks have from decades of "pro-fluoride" propaganda. It also stumps those who are intelligent, but anti-"conspiracy" (pro-status quo/these are the Richard Dawkins lovers) and always respond with: "but fluoride is just a naturally occurring chemical compound."

Thats a much longer word LOL. I feel like if I wrote my post only calling it that, everyone would be confused! I'm glad you told me about this though.

For titles I'd say fluoride works so people know the topic and click on it, but it's important to call things what they are. The power of statism comes almost completely from calling things other than what they are.

For example:

  • People know that mass murder is wrong, so they call it "war" to confuse people
  • People know that kidnapping is wrong, so they call it "arresting/imprisoning" to confuse people
  • People know that extortion and theft are wrong, so they call it "taxes"

There is a ton of power in words, and for those of us on the side of truth, it's important that we use truthful language. Maybe something like opening with "how do you feel about fluoride in your water?" followed by "how about hydrofluorosilicic acid, a dangerous neurotoxin and manufacturing waste-product?" (fyi companies face huge fines from the EPA if they allow it to escape into the water or air from their plants, so they turn it into salt form, which is then sold to municipalities to put in the water)

It was also used in concentration camps to make prisoners more docile before we began using it in our water here in the U.S.

Though as with anything controversial these days you can find people saying it is not true, or it is true and showing you their various studies. This was something being mentioned as used by the Nazi's for a very long time.

Here is one example.

Here is another.

Oh my gosh O.o That is terrifying !
Thanks for sharing.

There was lead in water in Michigan which is 1000 times worse than fluoride. Lead is neurotoxic and in the developing brain can lead to changes which can cause behavior which resembles violent sociopathic behavior when they become adults.

The water often isn't good but you shouldn't depend on or trust the government to protect your water. Invest in a distiller and take personal responsibility. Before you put anything into your mouth know exactly what is in it if possible. Weigh your food, monitor and keep a journal of everything you consume, track your calories, and don't eat anything which has "weird" ingredients like high fructose corn syrup.

You deserve to have a very long life. Companies selling you products and the government are populated by strangers who probably don't care if we die. We are consumers, taxpayers, or at best citizens or customers. We aren't their family, these organizations don't love us, it's not a brotherhood or sisterhood or anything more than a money making machine in the case of corporations or war making machine in the case of governments.

Indeed the state governments and some governments might have some people in them who care but these people resign, get laid off, fired, and different eras have different people in different positions. Some give a fuck, others don't, but your friends, family, and even peers on the Internet care more about you than the complete stranger.


Actually, fluoride is more toxic than lead

From my references we know lead is neurotoxic which is one of the worst. Lead has been found in toys from China, paint, and water. Lead is associated not just with brain developmental issues like low IQ but very importantly is associated with violent behavior. When you look at inner cities and you realize a lot of the children grew up in toxic environments with lead paint, lead in the water, lead in the toys, then of course you can understand many will not develop appropriately psychologically. This has an extremely toxic effect on the environment in the form of violent sociopathic behavior, criminal activity, all the stuff America complains about with regard to inner cities.

As environmental quality has gone up the violent crime has gone down dramatically. Lead might not kill people but it makes people kill each other.

Please cite your scientific studies or journal reference.



It's true man. Check my comments here for a video I helped put together here.

Actually, the prisoners in concentration were given no food or water - fluoridated or not. The Nazi prisoner/fluoride connection is a myth. However, science shows that ingesting fluoride is ineffective at reducing tooth decay and harmful to health http://www.FluorideAction.Net/issues/health

If the prisoners were given no food and water then they would be dead within 2 to 3 days and not need gas chambers, and they would not have time to shrivel up, so I think the myths are likely backwards in this case.

I am fortunate to live on a farm and have well water and grow a portion of our food. It is amazing what governments allow into our food systems. The shift of money and power can't happen fast enough...

Oh I love that! I hope I can have something like that in the future! It sounds fantastic.

If you can you would want to be as self sufficient as possible. The ecocapsule sustainable mobile home for instance captures rain water for drinking. Well water is actually more dangerous than city water if you share the well with a bunch of other people. Anyone can in essence poison the well so you don't want that.

But if you have your own ability to capture and filter your own water you'll be much more self sufficient.

It's great actually, can't lie...when you get a moment check out the video I did over the weekend with a drone. Pretty cool...don't fret too much with our timeline, things are changing and I believe its for the good.

I filter my water with a carbonit filter and vilatize it with 7 diffferent bio-ressonanz methodhs stuffed in one tool :-)
Fluoride in the water is an important topic and yes they try to harm us and make us ill because ill slaves are eassier to control. While earning a lot of money for our health care. Very clever system what these world rulers have created. The more the people are aware of such topics the less they can harm us ;-) Thanks for sharing.

Typical carbon filter may not catch fluoride. You have to distill usually and it might be cheaper to buy distilled water. The amount of fluoride varies but it's never healthy to swallow fluoride. Fortunately there is such a small amount usually in water that you'd spend your whole life swallowing it without it killing you but it depends on how long you live and on your particular reaction.

This might explain why so many people drink bottled water. Distilled water and bottled water is nice to have to drink.

When "government" is being blamed for something, it's often a local or state government that is the real problem. In the case of fluoride, it may not even be a government decision at all --- but a private water company.

Community governments or individual utilities decide whether their water supplies are treated with fluoride, depending on whether the water provider is a public or private utility. The federal government, through EPA, just requires that the utilities provide their customers with an annual report about what's in their water. The state government decides whether those reports are forwarded to the federal level. You can check whether your utility puts fluoride in your water at this site from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: here. I can see that in my county, Lane County, Oregon, only 1 out of 69 utilities puts fluoride in their water.

I like your point! Hopefully more people will see the dangers of it, And work to change it.

Being a local issue, you don't have to convince a whole nation -- just your neighbors. Good luck!

^ This is very true. Also, I have sen cases where noise is made and so there is a vote done for whether or not to remove flouride in the county and the citizens themselves have voted for it to stay in the water. -_-

Thanks for that addition! I'm glad that the federal government is "the good guy" in this case -- without their reporting requirements, folks might never know what's in their water at all.

Here is my link to a video I did as the founder of Fluoride Free Oshawa. I drove activists to Toronto and worked with their FFT group on this.

I am sitting right in front of the camera in the middle of the screen. Dr. Paul Connett is largely regarded as one of the top experts in the world on this issue, and he is the founder of FAN -- the Fluoride Action Network.

I comment a couple places in the video, and then at the end give a speech to the camera as it was going on my YT channel.

Fluoride remineralizes teeth which does slow tooth decay by strengthening them but the point is never to swallow it. Should we blame the government or the toothpaste company for making tooth paste taste like candy?

By the way the tooth paste I use includes nanohydroxyapatite which seems better than fluoride after a few weeks of use. Of course I dare not swallow it.

We blame the government for allowing these companies to make such products ;)

If the government isn't trying to kill us they are doing an amazingly convincing approximation of the appearance of it. Fluoride is only the beginning of what is in our water.

I finally decided on distilled water for drinking.

Well that changed my perspective on a lot of things. Thanks for the post.

Yes, such a shame on the government but you knw what they say, "It's just business" smh They knw tht we will end up in the hospitals and that is money in their pocket:(
I've stopped using fluoride years ago as my common sense just alerted me to stop using it. This is my toothpaste of choice. Some of you may have heard of "Traders Joes" -
Great post by the way, a must resteem for me to look back to . I just wish Steemit organized the Resteems by separating it from our own blogs. I don't like them together as it's too much congestion?

Iodine is a required nutrient - humans need to consume it every single day as it is necessary for metabolism but not produced internally - and it detoxes fluoride.
In fact, fluoride binds to vacant iodine receptors in the body. If you have enough iodine (and 95% of Americans don't, because it's not readily available in the food supply anymore), you're essentially protected from fluoride...and chlorine, bromide, lead, arsenic, mercury, and aluminum. Iodine is vital!

Please cite your scientific studies or journal reference.

Thanks for looking out, @dana-edwards - Dr. Guy Abraham, Dr. David Brownstein, and Dr. Marc Sircus are a few researchers with collections of iodine research that go deeper. You'll uncover a lot of juicy info when you start looking into iodine!

Upvoted and followed! Fluoride is a byproduct of aluminum manufacturing. It's a known toxin and biohazard SO the geniuses that run the government didn't want their corporate sponsors to have to pay exorbitant disposal fees, so now they sell it to municipalities to poison us with. Thank God that the city council where I live has consistently voted it down every time it comes up! The citizens here are pretty active and we've been successful so far.

See my comments and video here if you have not watched that on channel already Rich.

Have you seen the baby water with added flouride in stores?

Yep, good post here by you on that. Video resource posted here foryou

Have you ever heard of coconut oil for teeth, I came across an article the other day that it is good but I'm not too sure, have you heard about it? you've just triggered my mind i read something about fluoride back in November when i joined steemit and was wondering was it one of your article? it was on steemit. probably you.... u made me think about it.

I love coconut oil. I do the "oil pulling" method sometimes.
Maybe LOL. I know I mention fluoride a lot, Because its a subject I'm passionate about haha.
I feel like with coconut oil, You still should be careful. I feel like the occasional swishing can help, But it seems like one of those things that if you do it too often it can have bad effects. But I could be wrong on that!

I love coconut as well but have you heard of using "Tea Tree 0il" REsearh! 'AUSTRALIA' - 100% Australian is what you want to be searching for ;)
My gums inflamed on me once again;( I know, I have to report to the dentist(pretty soon). This is how I discovered tea tree oil magic-like! I was thinking about if we could apply it in our mouths and what do you know, some dentists actually use it as a means of gargling ;)

I'll stick to alcohol. Don't tell me it's also bad to consume.

I seriously wouldn't be surprised if Alcohol is the healthier alternative! As long as you stay hydrated, It probably kills a lot of bacteria in your mouth, Preventing cavities! haha.

That is a pretty interesting topic to think about, Kaylin! Thanks for sharing this awesome post, I enjoyed reading it.
Upvoted & Followed you as well.

Currently in NZ, the decision on whether to put toxic crap in our water is in the hands of the local councils. I have been fighting our council for years, going and presenting submissions every year, to try and get it stopped.

The government are now proposing that the decision be put in the hands of the District Health Boards, who have to obey the Ministry of Health. This would mean that the areas that are unfluoridated could be forced to start fluoridating again.

We have till 5pm tomorrow night to put in submissions against (or some strange people might be for) the bill. I have just sent mine in, and now I'm knackered. Time to make some dinner and relax. But maybe I'll post my submission here tomorrow.

I'm glad it's more on a local scale for you, At least.
I hope that doesn't happen with the District Health Boards.
You should post it! I'm curious to see what happens. :( Seriously why can't they leave it up to the individual. THere are enough products out there for us to ingest it if we choose.

yes the government is trying to kill us.