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RE: A Day in the Life of Heavy Metal Poisoning

in #health7 years ago

Hello. How are you doing now? I have mercury poisoning too and also M.E. I am doing the Andy cutler protocol which is currently saving my life and also eating a low sulfur diet eliminates headaches and tremors. Would love to know how you are and where you're at with your detox.


Sorry to hear you're dealing with this too! I'm not familiar with the Andy Cutler Protocol, so I'll have to look into that more.

As for my progress, there seem to be small improvements week after week. Nothing hugely noticeable, but I'll take any bit of improvement when I can get it. I've felt less fatigued than in recent months and can eat a larger variety of food without it sitting in my stomach for ages.

My doctor recently started me on an even longer list of vitamins/supplements. Thankfully, I'm not getting the body aches and migraines much anymore, though I'm not sure if that just means less is being detoxed out of me than before. I continue to try and eat large amounts of cilantro as often as possible.

Interesting about the brain fog & body aches after eating cilantro. (I am definitely not telling anyone what to do) But more FYI, part of the AC protocol is absolutely no cilantro, not even a little bit. The reason is the ability cilantro has to redistribute heavy metals, without actually removing them. Definitely look in to the protocol, they have a group on facebook which is really helpful it tells you everything you need to know. One lady reversed her MS, and others are making full recoveries, although it can take years. It's also quite hard to even start because of our amazing brain fog and confusion lol. Anyway here's the link, I have just finished round 3 & while I'm on round it's like all my symptoms lift. It is very low dose & frequent chelation. Let's get better & keep spreading the word, imagine how many people are suffering not knowing the cause.
