
in #health7 years ago

Moringa leaves are already very popular in foreign countries as well as in the country. Various diseases can be treated with Moringa leaves. In addition to treating various diseases, Moringa leaves are also very good to be consumed every day.

Benefits of Moringa leaves are consumed every day that can increase the body's immune so that the body does not get sick easily. In addition, Moringa can also boost the immunity of various viruses.


  • Overcoming diabetes

One of the benefits of kelor leaf is to overcome diabetes. Benefits of Moringa leaves for diabetes can reduce blood sugar levels. Moringa leaves can be used as natural insulin to overcome diabetes. Eating kelor leaf vegetables can also prevent diabetes or blood sugar.

  • Healthy eyes

Moringa leaves also contain lots of vitamin A is very good for the eyes. Eating leaf kelor can make eyes always in a healthy and clear. Moringa leaves can also cure eye disease, the way can be eaten directly or boiled water kelor leaf in basuhkan on sore eyes every day until healed.

  • Prevent cancer

Antioxidants in the leaves of Moringa are very high, other than that Moringa leaves contain a lot of potassium. One of the benefits of kelor leaf is to prevent cancer. Benefits of Moringa leaves for cancer that can slow down even stop and eliminate existing cancer in the body.

  • Treat rheumatism

Moringa leaves are also excellent for treating rheumatism. The benefits of Moringa leaf for the treatment of rheumatism can reduce pain in the joints and can reduce the buildup of uric acid in the joints that can cure rheumatism or gout.