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RE: Where Did The First Anti-Vaxxers Come From?

in #health7 years ago

Great article! I really like it! Just a few comments.

  1. I used to be a provaccine about 2 years ago until I read an article from a french researcher who was talking about the preservatives added in the vaccines (along with antibiotics!!!!!!!!) . Preservatives containing heavy metals (aluminum, mercury) that can be very harmful to our immune system, but also to our brain. I also watched the movie Vaxxed and I was more than shocked. I did a lot of research on the topic and I found that most of the diseases that we have to be vaccininated for can be easily prevented or cured with high doses of vitamin C. I actually just wrote a post on the importance of vitamin C at high dose if you are interested or you can google "Dr. Klenner vitamin C" for much further details about it.

  2. The trend of mandatory vaccines is going to get worse. Just look at France for instance, the president Emmanuel Macron is trying to add more vaccines and make them mandatory (big red flag right there)!!!

  3. If you know how to read French, I highly recommend you to buy those two books on Amazon: "Vaccins, Secrets et Verites" and "Pandora, la Bible du vivre et du laisse mourir" written by Philippe Jandrok. Those a great resources (red pill) to further understand what is going on and how most people can live without the big majority of the vaccines that are being given today.

I really like your post and I will be reading your next posts. I am also resteeming this post and promoting it, as I think it is of very high relevance.

Keep up the good job! :)


Most of the disease we suffer come from life style choices. If we all took a stand and lived a healthy life allopathy could go back to what they are good at, fixing broken bones! Mandatory vaccines is a huge profit generator ... I don’t read French ....I need to learn a second language and French is a beautiful language many choices regarding which second language I should learn. Thank you @juv79505

Thanks for commenting and I definitely agree with you, lifestyle is key. Since governments are so delayed in terms of sustainability, I believe it is our responsibility to make sure that we eat healthy. For instance, an apple from 50 years ago is equivalent to 21 apples of today in terms of vitamin and mineral contents. So we have to make sure that we eat organic, but also that the soil that generated the food was a heavily carbonated soil (aka black earth) ,which is rich in microorganisms, carbon and minerals necessary to generate healthy fruits and vegetables. We have to make sure that the bees stay alive as pollination is a very important process as well.

Yeah you should learn French it's an awesome language! ;)

People are in jail for SBS if it is true
They should be ! but what if it is vaccine induced scurvy ? Who should be in jail ?

Actually, the common citizen cannot sue a pharmaceutical company. Not even at the federal court level in the US.

You can win in court for injury due to vaccines.
"Unavoidably Unsafe"

There are some 5,000 petitions alleging a causal link between certain vaccines and autism spectrum disorders that are currently pending in an omnibus proceeding in the Court of Federal Claims (Vaccine Court).

Wooow I did not know this! Thank you for the info I greatly appreciate it! I really believe that it is by exchanging ideas and spreading info like this that we can all become stronger. I am going to save this pdf. Thanks again!

ty I just posted a new one

OK I am checking it out