in #health6 years ago (edited)


While being a delivery driver, I did not get much exercise at all. I would be working twelve hour days, eating in my car, then go home to bed. I really need to exercise and fit that into my daily routine. Walking even 30 minutes a day has so many health benefits. When you walk, you are carrying you're own body weight, also known as weight-bearing exercise. Some health benefits of walking include; heart and lung - Increased cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, reduces body fat and increases muscle strength and endurance, better management of conditions such as high blood pressure ( hypertension ), high cholesterol, diabetes, joint and muscular pain or stiffness, and helps strengthen bones and improve balance.

If you are someone that has not exercised in a long time, it is a really good idea to see a doctor for a medical check-up before you take on a fitness program. Especially if you are over weight.

Make any day you're first day, don't wait for a special day to start the journey. You see and hear people, "new years is going to be the start of my diet and exercise plan" Then usually give up shortly after. Studies show that the month of January is the hardest month of the year, because it is right after the holidays. Emotions, Money, and stress all play a huge roll in how motivated you are.

Speaking of motivation, Don't make walking seem like a chore. Walking can very well be enjoyable. Walking requires minimal equipment, can be done at any time of day and can be performed at your own pace. Walking is not limited to just taking a stroll through the neighborhood, There are various clubs, venues and strategies you can use to make walking an enjoyable and social part of your lifestyle.

Start putting time for walking in you're daily routine. Building physical activities into a daily lifestyle plan is one of the most effective ways to help with weight loss and to keep it off. Here are some suggestions to build walking into your daily routine. If you work in a building or need to get some where in a building, take the stairs instead of the elevator, Taking public transportation?, get off one stop earlier to walk, walk to local shops, ask a friend, family member or neighbor to walk their dog. Other ways to keep you walking each day is to ask someone to join you, keep a diary or log of you're walking activity and try to walk at the same time everyday so it becomes a habit.


Wearing a pedometer helps you keep track of you're steps. You can also compare to previous days and may motivate you to move more. The recommended number of steps accumulated per day to achieve health benefits is 10,000 steps or more. Not sure what pedometer is right for you? Here you can check different ones you can compare and see which one would be right for you! Pedometer's These are inexpensive tools that will help you!


Also on the list of what you should have is fuel for your muscles! Yes, water. Water is essential. Keeping your body hydrated is important to maintaining the function of every system in your body, including your heart, brain, and muscles. There are many different types of water bottle today. My personal favorite is the collapsible water bottle. Again here is a list of different water bottles to suit your needs. Water Bottles and Collapsible Water Bottles.

Pacing yourself to encourage longer walking and more energy in the future. Walking fast burns more kilo-joules per hour than walking slowly, but this doesn’t mean you have to push yourself until you’re breathless. Instead, pace yourself so that you can still talk. This simple rule of thumb means that you walk safely within your target heart rate. Our bodies tend to get used to physical activity, so continue to increase your intensity as you are able to improve your fitness levels.

You can increase the intensity of your walks by introducing some of these:
-walking for longer
-walking with hand weights
-walking up hills
-increasing the distance you walk quickly before returning to a moderate walking pace
-increasing your walking speed gradually by including some quick walking


Walking is a low-cost and effective form of exercise. However, the wrong type of shoe or walking action can cause foot pain, blisters and injuries to soft tissue. Make sure your shoes are comfortable, with appropriate heel and arch supports. Take light, easy steps and make sure your heel touches down before your toes. Whenever possible, walk on grass rather than concrete to help absorb the impact. Also your feet will be sore for the first few days, Foot Care Products can help soothe the discomfort.

Make Walking An Interesting Pleasure

If you want to stick close to home and limit your walking to neighborhood streets, pick different routes so you don’t get tired of seeing the same sights.

If you feel unsafe walking alone, find one or more friends or family members to walk with.

Walk at various times of the day. The sights to see first thing in the morning are bound to be different from those of the afternoon or early evening.

Drive to different reserves, park the car and enjoy the views while you walk.

Explore what’s going on around you, notice the sky, the people, the sounds.


Walking for 30 minutes a day or more on most days of the week is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health.

If you can’t manage 30 minutes a day, remember ‘even a little is good, but more is better’.

Walking with others can turn exercise into an enjoyable social occasion.

See your doctor for a medical check-up before embarking on any new fitness program, particularly if you are aged over 40 years, are overweight or haven’t exercised in a long time.

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