After I was given a DEADline, I had to make drastic changes in my life. I BECAME A VEGAN.
VEGAN, it sounds like a religion or a race from a far away planet. In fact is a new way of living, that has given me an opportunity to restore my body little by little.
I am diabetic, high blood pressure, retinopathy, stage 3 kidney failure, and neuropathy. Recently I was having chest pain related to my heart. I am a lab rat and a VIP member to pharmaceutical companies.
Thanks to the changes I made to my life, I was able to drop some medications, slow down my kidney failure, my vision has improved and I am regaining feeling on my feet. I such a short time. Imagine the possibilities!
My goal is to reverse all the damage I made to my body, eating junk food and all the stuff they put on the food we eat.
It’s only been 3 weeks and I lost 21 pounds and feel great.
This are a couple of recipes I learned to make.
BREATFAST - This Green juice
- kale
- cucumber
- green apples
- honey dew
- fresh lemon
Here is my juicer and on the back you can see all the pill I take to keep me bearly alive. This is what I call a zombie stage. Not dead and not healthy but in between so the pharmaceutical can make good money off my illness.
LUNCH - Veggie Burger
- bread glutten free/dairy free/GMO/ low fat/organic
- Veggie patty glutten free/dairy free/GMO/ low fat/organic
- spinash
- tomatoes
- onion and orange pepper saute in olive oil
- veggie mayo
- pizza doug glutten free/dairy free/GMO/ low fat/organic
- pico de gallo (tomatoes/onion/cillantro/sea salt/fresh lemon)
- vegan cheese made of cassava
- fresh avocado sause (avocado/vinegar/lemon/sea salt)
This are my new friends...
I still have a long way to go to total health, but it's worth a try if the outcome is living longer and being able acomplish my goals.
I will be documenting all the changes in this new journey.
I'm so happy to see you are beginning to thrive.
I went vegan 5 years ago, because I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and possible beginning stages of cardio vascular disease. The results have been fantastic.
I'm looking forward to following your journey!
Great! I will be going the same path. Thanks for the support.
Live well. Start by knowing what you put into your body. Get the nutrients you need for the original source. Do some exercise, start off small eg walk around the outside of your house build up to doing it many times then walk around the block and build up to many time.
8 ) infinity happiness
Thanks, for the hints. I will do that.