Occasionally a pain in the pain makes migraine pain unnecessary. Suddenly, acute pain, vomiting, vomiting, eye sight, headache, head sweating, etc. on one side of the head suddenly interrupted people from normal life. Migraine usually attacks abnormally. For some irregularities and food, this pain is acute.
What is the migraine? Migraine is one type of headache. Generally, people are on the same side of the head, but some people have migraine pain on both sides of the head. Due to not having enough water, dehydration is created in the body, causing migraine pain. Although blood sugar levels are low, migraine tendency is seen. Drinking extra cold water causes migraine pain. There may be a tendency to become migraine, due to the noise, light, smell, and the pressure of air pressure, horror headache may start.
Triptophan plays a special role in reducing the intensity of migraine pain. People with migraine disease should regularly eat milk, eggs, curd, nuts, dates, raisins, red rice and green leafy vegetables. Besides, Red tea, mint tea, Green Tee Migraine, help reduce the pain.
If you adhere to some rules and refrain from eating some foods, you get rid of migraine pain. It is better to avoid chocolate, bread, cold drinks, pastry cakes, color mixes for migraine sufferers.