Different methods of INTERMITTENT FASTING

in #health6 years ago

Methods Of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting has been gaining popularity over the past few years due to its various benefits and ease in which it can be executed. In this post, I will be sharing 5 different IF methods in the hopes that each individual can find a method that fits their lifestyle choices. Instead of trying to bend your lifestyle to meet your dietary goals, you should find a dietary plan that fits your lifestyle.

1. The 16:8 method


The way it works: This method basically requires you to fast for 14-16 hours, restricting your eating window to a narrow 8-10 hours everyday. This has to be the most popular method by far as fasting this way can be as easy as skipping breakfast and not eating anything after dinner. This method gives you the flexibility to consume anything you want during the eating window.

Popularized by Martin Berkhan. (Leangains Protocol)

2. The 5:2 or Eat Stop Eat method


The way it works: The 5:2 method and the Eat Stop Eat method are really similar to a certain extend. For the 5:2 method, you essentially eat normally for 5 days a week, leaving 2 days where you restrict your calorie intake to about 500 plus calories. Similarly the Eat Stop Eat method allows you to eat for 5 days a week, but fast for the remaining 2 days. It doesn't matter when you fast as long as there are 2 days in the week where you take a break from eating.

Eating like this will reduce your overall calorie intake every week without limiting your food options.

Popularized by Brad Pilon and Michael Mosley respectively.

3. The Warrior Diet


The way it works: Like the name suggests, warriors can go for days only having one meal at night. This means that they fast for about 20 hours and only eat one meal at night. You can achieve this by eating some fruits and vegetables with little to no calories during the day, followed by a huge meal at night.

Essentially, fast during the day and only feast at night during a small 4 hour window. The 4 hour "overeating" window occurs at nigh to maximize the Parasympathetic Nervous System’s ability to help the body recuperate, relax, repair, grow and produces hormones that burn fat during the day. This diet is similar to the paleo diet in the aspect that eating whole foods is preferred to processed foods.

Popularized by Ori Hofmekler.

4. The Alternate-Day Fasting or Alternate Day Diet


The way it works: It basically just means fasting every alternate day. On fasting days, you are allowed to eat a little but try not to exceed 500 calories (estimation based on your own body weight). It may be difficult as there will be many days where you will go bed hungry, but if it is no trouble for you, go for it.

One way to make fasting this way easier is to have a meal replacement shake. Not only will you better be able to control what enters your body, it is quick and convenient as well. However, whole foods are still more essential in the long run.

5. Spontaneous Eating


The way it works: For all those busy bees out there, simply skipping meals from time to time can be a form of intermittent fasting. You don't exactly have to follow a well structured intermittent fasting plan to reap its benefits. Just skip a meal or 2 when you aren't exactly hungry. Do not worry about your body going into a catabolic state because of the lack of food, just remember to eat healthy.

One final thing to take note when fasting: Always prioritise eating carbs over fats on days when you exercise as compared to rest days, where fats should be prioritised instead of carbs. Protein consumption should remain relatively high though it does vary with age, gender and goals. Lastly if you're having trouble fasting, drink more water and chew some calorie free gum as it helps take your mind of the hunger

Thank you for stopping by this post and have a great day!


5 different IF methods

method gives you the flexibility to consume anything