These side effects may occur with Ayurvedic prescriptions.

in #health7 years ago

Ayurvedic prescriptions are considered beyond side-effects, but do you know that there are some medicines which are also used side-effects, if you do not believe, then read these slideshows and know yourself.
Ayurvedic prescriptions also have side effects
Often we deal with many problems related to health, with spices, herbs or vegetables present in the kitchen. However, Ayurveda treats the use of these herbs as correct. But the scientists do not fully agree with this, they believe that every Ayurvedic recipe is beneficial for the body, this thing can not be considered. At the same time they also have to say that everything is bad for everything. While using healthy herbs, we do not know about the correct amount of herbality. Taking more of it can be harmful to us. Scientists believe that Ayurveda is completely safe-it is a myth. In ancient research it has never been claimed that Ayurvedic medicines are not ill-effects or can be taken without the expert guidance. Let's learn about home remedies and the loss of things used in Ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurvedic prescriptions also have side effects
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Cause of allergies
It is believed that bitter gourd juice helps to control blood sugar. Therefore, diabetic patients are advised to eat bitter gourd.
Side-effects: But do you know that excessive consumption of bitter gourd can spoil the digestive system and may also cause allergies. Bitter gourd has an element called lectin which can prevent the transmission of proteins to the intestines. Hemorrhoid anemia can be caused by excessive intake of bitter gourd. Apart from this, bitter gourd contains an element called mococarin which increases the flow of periods.
Cause of allergies
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Damage to the digestive system
Elixir Bell Gilo is also called Amrita. It is believed that Giloy has the properties of fighting diabetes and it reduces the desire to eat sugar. Also in its seeds, there is a chemical called Jambolin which reduces the sugar present in blood and urine.
Side-effects: But do you know that with the high intake of guiloy, it can damage the digestive system by affecting the sugar level. At the same time, it also causes constipation. Apart from this, Gilo makes it more active by stimulating the immune system. In this way it increases the symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.


Hi, based on your post, what are the benifits of Turmeric, Cayenne Peppar and a hit of black pepper in warm milk?
thanks if you can help.